Podcast stats

The SSC podcast is the audiobook version of Scott Alexander's blogs. You can find it on its official website.

Since the podcast was started on October 11, 2017, there has been 976 episodes (excluding Open Thread and Meetup posts) with around 3,747,787 words read, for a total duration of 421h 41min.

The longest article turned into an episode was around 25,531 words long, and the average length 3,840 words (median: 2,984 words). The longest episode was 3h 12min long, and the average episode is around 25min long (median: 20min). The average time between the publication of a new article and its podcast episode is 4 days (median: 2 days).


On average over 8 years, per year there were 122 episodes (median: 127, max: 189, min: 27) saying around 468,473 words (median: 475,793, max: 738,885, min: 79,567), with the longest episode each year being 18,468 words on average (median: 18,118).

The average total output was around 52h 42min long (median: 51h 9min, max: 88h 35min, min: 9h 24min). The average longest episode was 2h 1min long (median: 1h 53min).

Word Stats

Episode Stats

Podcast Delay Stats

This measures the delays between an article being published and the episode being out. To avoid penalizing doing episodes on old articles, only articles published by Scott after the start of the podcast are counted. (This is why there's an empty gap on timescales shorter than a year in 2020-2021, when the blog was offline and the podcast only released episodes for old articles.)

Cumulative Stats


On average over 29 quarters, per quarter there were 34 episodes (median: 33, max: 58, min: 6) saying around 129,234 words (median: 118,171, max: 268,208, min: 15,540), with the longest episode each quarter being 13,538 words on average (median: 12,896).

The average total output was around 14h 31min long (median: 13h 20min, max: 31h 2min, min: 1h 42min). The average longest episode was 1h 27min long (median: 1h 20min).

Word Stats

Episode Stats

Podcast Delay Stats

This measures the delays between an article being published and the episode being out. To avoid penalizing doing episodes on old articles, only articles published by Scott after the start of the podcast are counted. (This is why there's an empty gap on timescales shorter than a year in 2020-2021, when the blog was offline and the podcast only released episodes for old articles.)

Cumulative Stats


On average over 85 months, per month there were 11 episodes (median: 11, max: 22, min: 4) saying around 44,092 words (median: 39,386, max: 108,896, min: 7,834), with the longest episode each month being 9,689 words on average (median: 8,448).

The average total output was around 4h 57min long (median: 4h 18min, max: 11h 59min, min: 53min). The average longest episode was 1h 2min long (median: 55min).

Word Stats

Episode Stats

Podcast Delay Stats

This measures the delays between an article being published and the episode being out. To avoid penalizing doing episodes on old articles, only articles published by Scott after the start of the podcast are counted. (This is why there's an empty gap on timescales shorter than a year in 2020-2021, when the blog was offline and the podcast only released episodes for old articles.)

Cumulative Stats