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3 posts found
May 03, 2023
7 min 901 words 377 comments 132 likes podcast
Scott Alexander replicates and analyzes data showing higher rates of long COVID among bisexuals, suggesting a significant psychosomatic component to the condition. Longer summary
Scott Alexander attempts to replicate a CDC finding that bisexuals were 50% more likely to report long COVID than heterosexuals. Using data from his own ACX survey, he finds that bisexual women were twice as likely, and bisexual men 50% more likely, to report long COVID compared to their heterosexual counterparts. He also notes correlations between long COVID and various mental illnesses. Scott suggests these results indicate that a substantial portion of long COVID cases may be psychosomatic, potentially classifying excess cases as a culture-bound mental illness. He proposes compassionate treatment for unavoidable cases alongside 'unawareness campaigns' to minimize avoidable psychosomatic ones. Shorter summary
Aug 15, 2019
9 min 1,065 words 89 comments podcast
Scott Alexander attempts to replicate a study linking beef jerky consumption to manic episodes in bipolar disorder, finding no significant relationship in his analysis of SSC survey data. Longer summary
Scott Alexander attempts to replicate a study that claimed beef jerky consumption could trigger manic episodes in bipolar disorder. He uses data from the 2019 Slate Star Codex survey to compare beef jerky consumption between people with and without a history of bipolar mania hospitalization. Contrary to the original study, Scott's analysis finds no significant relationship between beef jerky consumption and manic episodes. He discusses the limitations of his data, such as relying on self-reporting and having a smaller sample size of manic patients, but also notes some strengths like a more detailed measure of beef jerky consumption. Scott concludes by urging further research on this topic, highlighting the importance of replication in scientific studies. Shorter summary
May 09, 2019
8 min 1,039 words 100 comments podcast
Scott Alexander presents a case for skepticism about psychedelic therapy in psychiatry, outlining seven points of concern while still supporting further research. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses reasons for skepticism about the potential of psychedelic therapy in psychiatry. He outlines seven main points of concern: small studies by enthusiasts leading to unreplicable results, the tendency for all psychotherapies to have amazing success stories, comparison with ketamine's underwhelming results, the case of NSI-189 which failed in trials despite anecdotal success, the lack of obvious effects given widespread psychedelic use, the possibility that insights from psychedelics are illusory, and potential FDA restrictions limiting access and effectiveness. Despite these concerns, Scott supports psychedelic research and hopes to be proven wrong. Shorter summary