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4 posts found
Nov 30, 2022
49 min 6,266 words 120 comments 62 likes podcast
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to comments on his post about semaglutide, covering corrections, additional information, and user experiences with the weight loss drug. Longer summary
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to comments on his previous post about semaglutide, a weight loss drug. The highlights include corrections to his original analysis, additional information on obtaining semaglutide cheaply, discussion of other weight loss drugs and treatments, challenges to Scott's predictions, debate over whether weight loss is maintained after stopping the drug, personal anecdotes from users, and mentions of some tangential debates in the comments. Shorter summary
Nov 24, 2022
33 min 4,257 words 752 comments 217 likes podcast
Scott Alexander analyzes the economic and societal implications of semaglutide, a new effective weight loss drug, and its potential to reshape obesity treatment. Longer summary
Scott Alexander explores the economic and societal impact of semaglutide, a new weight loss drug. He discusses its effectiveness, current limited availability, and potential future widespread use. The post covers the drug's history, its current pricing and accessibility issues, and projections for its future market. Scott also touches on the broader implications for obesity treatment and the possibility of a 'post-obesity' future. Shorter summary
Mar 02, 2021
19 min 2,465 words 292 comments 132 likes podcast
Scott Alexander explores the history and mechanism of DNP, a dangerous but effective weight-loss drug, and discusses recent developments in safer mitochondrial uncoupling agents. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), a controversial and dangerous weight-loss drug that works by uncoupling mitochondria. He traces its history from the 1930s to modern times, explaining its effectiveness and severe side effects. The post then explores recent developments in mitochondrial uncoupling research, including potential safer alternatives and therapeutic applications beyond weight loss. Shorter summary
Mar 10, 2020
32 min 4,091 words 451 comments podcast
The post explores a controversial theory linking saturated fats to weight control, critically examines the evidence, and discusses the paradox of historical vs. modern diets and obesity rates. Longer summary
This post discusses the history of obesity in the US and explores a controversial dietary theory that blames the switch from saturated to unsaturated fats for the obesity epidemic. The author first presents the theory, which suggests that high saturated fat diets might be beneficial for weight control. However, in the second part, the author critically examines the evidence and finds it lacking. The post concludes by discussing possible explanations for the paradox of why modern diets seem to cause obesity while historical diets did not, despite the difficulty in finding a consistently effective weight loss diet. Shorter summary