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56 posts found
Sep 05, 2024
11 min 1,378 words Comments pending
Scott discusses various interpretations and uses of 'sorry' in response to comments on his previous article about the phrase 'I'm sorry you feel that way'. Longer summary
This post highlights comments on Scott's previous article about the phrase 'I'm sorry you feel that way'. It explores various perspectives on the use and interpretation of 'sorry', including its etymological roots and cultural shifts in understanding. Scott discusses the challenges of finding alternative phrases, the potential generational gap in interpreting 'sorry', and the concept of 'hyperstitious slur cascade'. He also reflects on the difficulties of crafting socially acceptable alternatives and the nuances of apologizing without admitting fault. Shorter summary
Feb 27, 2023
26 min 3,373 words 296 comments 101 likes podcast
Scott Alexander discusses reader comments on his 'Geography of Madness' review, revising views on culture-bound syndromes and exploring various mental health topics. Longer summary
This post discusses various comments on Scott Alexander's review of 'The Geography of Madness'. It covers topics like culture-bound syndromes, the prevalence of brief psychotic disorder, the history of school shootings, the universality of PTSD, the rise of transgender identities, and the correlation between believing in ghosts and experiencing PMS. Scott revises some of his previous views, becoming more skeptical about many traditional culture-bound syndromes and acknowledging the complexity of cultural influences on mental health conditions. Shorter summary
Jan 11, 2023
57 min 7,383 words 431 comments 138 likes podcast
Scott Alexander addresses reactions to his claim that media rarely lies, exploring different interpretations of 'lying' and examining specific cases of alleged media deception. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses the reactions to his previous posts about media rarely lying, addressing various criticisms and examples provided by commenters. He explores different interpretations of 'lying', examines specific cases of alleged media deception, and reiterates his position that while media often misleads or reasons poorly, it rarely engages in outright fabrication of facts. Scott also reflects on the nature of conspiracy theories and the importance of understanding how people can genuinely believe false things. Shorter summary
Dec 09, 2022
48 min 6,150 words 171 comments 60 likes podcast
Scott Alexander presents highlights from reader comments on his 'Bobos in Paradise' book review, covering critiques of the book's thesis, discussions on elite education, and debates on social class dynamics. Longer summary
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to reader comments on his review of 'Bobos in Paradise' by David Brooks. The comments cover various aspects of the book's thesis about the rise of a new 'Bobo' elite class, including doubts about its historical accuracy, discussions on Ivy League admissions policies, debates on the merits of hereditary aristocracy, and other interesting tangents. Scott provides his thoughts on some of the comments and highlights areas for further exploration. Shorter summary
Nov 30, 2022
49 min 6,266 words 120 comments 62 likes podcast
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to comments on his post about semaglutide, covering corrections, additional information, and user experiences with the weight loss drug. Longer summary
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to comments on his previous post about semaglutide, a weight loss drug. The highlights include corrections to his original analysis, additional information on obtaining semaglutide cheaply, discussion of other weight loss drugs and treatments, challenges to Scott's predictions, debate over whether weight loss is maintained after stopping the drug, personal anecdotes from users, and mentions of some tangential debates in the comments. Shorter summary
Nov 08, 2022
32 min 4,056 words 41 comments 53 likes podcast
Scott summarizes interesting comments on his 'Rhythms of the Brain' book review, covering various aspects of brain waves and related topics. Longer summary
This post highlights various comments on Scott's review of 'Rhythms of the Brain'. Topics include explanations of brain waves, their importance in AI and neuroscience, criticisms of their perceived significance, interesting facts about brain rhythms, discussions on phi and conduction delay, perspectives on synchrony, and some tangential discussions on other scientific naming conventions and cryptocurrency. Shorter summary
Nov 05, 2022
24 min 3,103 words 128 comments 57 likes podcast
Scott Alexander shares reader comments on his California ballot recommendations, updating some of his views and providing additional context on various races and propositions. Longer summary
This post highlights comments on Scott Alexander's California ballot recommendations. It covers various topics including Prop 31's impact on vaping, the Service Employees International Union's tactics regarding dialysis regulations, Newsom's campaign spending, Oakland mayoral race, and other ballot measures. Scott also updates some of his recommendations based on reader input, particularly for the Attorney General race. Shorter summary
Oct 31, 2022
56 min 7,254 words 369 comments 90 likes podcast
Scott Alexander summarizes comments debating the reality and implications of jhanas, a meditative state of extreme bliss. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews and summarizes comments on his previous post about jhanas, a meditative state of extreme bliss. He discusses the debate over whether jhanas are real, how they compare to other pleasures like sex, whether they can substitute for other pleasures, what science says about them, and whether pursuing jhanas is good or bad. The post includes many quotes from commenters sharing their own experiences with jhanas and opinions on the topic. Shorter summary
Oct 26, 2022
31 min 3,901 words 46 comments 34 likes podcast
Scott responds to various comments on his article about supplement labeling, addressing concerns about the industry and providing additional context and analysis. Longer summary
This post is a highlights reel of comments on Scott's previous article about supplement labeling. It covers various points raised by commenters, including skepticism about the supplement industry, concerns about heavy metal contamination, and a defense from the founder of LabDoor. Scott responds to each comment, providing additional context, analysis, and sometimes his own perspective on the issues raised. The post touches on topics such as the efficacy of supplements, the trustworthiness of supplement testing companies, and the potential risks associated with certain types of supplements. Shorter summary
Oct 13, 2022
50 min 6,409 words 141 comments 60 likes podcast
Scott Alexander shares and responds to reader comments on his article about California's Central Valley, offering diverse perspectives on life and challenges in the region. Longer summary
This post is a collection of reader comments on Scott Alexander's original article about the Central Valley in California. It includes various perspectives from residents and former residents, discussing topics like housing costs, air quality, crime, agriculture, water rights, commuting patterns, and cultural amenities. The comments offer a mix of criticisms and defenses of life in the Central Valley, providing nuance and additional context to Scott's original analysis. Shorter summary
Oct 10, 2022
51 min 6,554 words 303 comments 60 likes podcast
Scott Alexander addresses reader comments on his Columbus Day post, covering historical and cultural controversies around holidays and Columbus. Longer summary
Scott Alexander responds to comments on his previous post about Columbus Day, addressing criticisms and controversies raised by readers. He discusses the origins of Christmas and Easter, the historical accuracy of claims about Columbus, the theological significance of Arianism, cultural differences in holiday celebrations, and various perspectives on Columbus Day and its meaning. Shorter summary
Sep 30, 2022
36 min 4,678 words 29 comments 67 likes podcast
Scott Alexander explores various commenters' insights on the neuroscience of reward, happiness, and relationships, expanding on his original post about unpredictable rewards. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses highlights from comments on his post 'Unpredictable Reward, Predictable Happiness', covering topics such as neuroscience of reward, dopamine, and relationships. He explores various perspectives on how the brain processes rewards, predictions, and happiness, including insights from neuroscientists, psychologists, and personal anecdotes. The post touches on topics like abusive relationships, polyamory, wealth and happiness, and the cognitive burden of poverty. Shorter summary
Sep 22, 2022
48 min 6,220 words 566 comments 68 likes podcast
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to reader comments on his article about billionaire wealth, addressing various economic and ethical perspectives. Longer summary
This post summarizes and responds to reader comments on Scott Alexander's previous article about billionaire wealth and replaceability. It covers topics like natural monopolies, the role of luck vs. talent in business success, risk-taking by entrepreneurs, the political power of billionaires, and ways to test the replaceability of inventors and innovations. Scott engages with various perspectives while adding his own thoughts and clarifications on these complex economic and ethical issues. Shorter summary
Aug 25, 2022
46 min 5,916 words 394 comments 55 likes podcast
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to comments on his review of 'What We Owe The Future', addressing debates around population ethics, longtermism, and moral philosophy. Longer summary
This post highlights key comments on Scott Alexander's review of William MacAskill's book 'What We Owe The Future'. It covers various reactions and debates around topics like the repugnant conclusion in population ethics, longtermism, moral philosophy, AI risk, and the nature of happiness and suffering. Scott responds to several comments, clarifying his views on philosophy, moral reasoning, and the challenges of population ethics. Shorter summary
Aug 19, 2022
36 min 4,672 words 166 comments 64 likes podcast
Scott Alexander discusses reader comments on his cyclic theory of subcultures, addressing critiques and expanding on the model's applications and limitations. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses various comments on his post about a cyclic theory of subcultures. He addresses critiques and expansions of his model, including the role of loyalists, the importance of unassailable central figures, and how movements transition between phases. Scott also reflects on the current state of rationalism and effective altruism, provides his timeline for the rationalist movement, and explores the concept of status in subcultures. Shorter summary
Jul 28, 2022
36 min 4,662 words 192 comments 66 likes podcast
Scott Alexander responds to comments on his post about criticism of EA, addressing various points about scientific paradigms, types of criticism, and the ethics of evangelism. Longer summary
Scott Alexander responds to comments on his previous post about criticism of EA. He addresses various points raised by commenters, including discussions about the nature of paradigm shifts in science, the value of specific vs. general criticism, and the ethics of evangelism. Scott clarifies that he wasn't arguing EA only wants non-threatening criticism, but rather that some organizations genuinely want to improve. He also reflects on the challenges of distinguishing between expressing opinions and evangelizing, especially for philosophies that make unusual moral demands. Shorter summary
Jul 08, 2022
37 min 4,806 words 456 comments 105 likes podcast
Scott Alexander defends his analysis of the 2020 US homicide spike against various counterarguments, maintaining that it was primarily caused by changes in policing following protests. Longer summary
Scott Alexander responds to comments on his previous post about the 2020 homicide spike in the US. He addresses several counterarguments and alternative explanations, including the role of increased gun sales, racial differences in homicide rates, the exact timing of the spike, changes in policing behavior, media coverage, academic literature on the topic, and potential effects of warm weather. Scott largely maintains his original position that the spike was primarily caused by changes in policing following protests, rather than other factors like the pandemic or increased gun ownership. Shorter summary
Jun 29, 2022
75 min 9,632 words 537 comments 65 likes podcast
Scott Alexander shares reader comments on his 'San Fransicko' book review, covering homelessness, crime statistics, and urban policy debates. Longer summary
This post is a collection of highlights from reader comments on Scott Alexander's review of the book 'San Fransicko'. It covers various topics related to homelessness, crime, and urban policy in San Francisco and other cities. The comments provide additional context, personal anecdotes, data analysis, and critiques of both the book and Scott's review. Key themes include the complexity of homelessness, issues with crime statistics, debates over housing policy, and differing perspectives on how to address urban problems. Shorter summary
Apr 28, 2022
33 min 4,185 words 166 comments 74 likes podcast
Scott Alexander compiles and summarizes reader comments on his article about Xi Jinping, covering various aspects of Xi's rule and Chinese politics. Longer summary
This post highlights comments on Scott Alexander's article about Xi Jinping, covering topics such as Xi's rise to power, censorship in China, anti-corruption efforts, and centralization of power. Commenters discuss the ideological nature of Communist leadership selection, the complexities of censorship in the internet age, and the effects of Xi's anti-corruption campaign. The post also includes miscellaneous observations on historical parallels, psychological analysis of Xi, and cultural differences in rule-following. Shorter summary
Apr 20, 2022
67 min 8,675 words 165 comments 59 likes podcast
Scott Alexander presents and discusses diverse reader reactions to his review of 'Sadly, Porn', touching on the book's controversial ideas and writing style. Longer summary
Scott Alexander highlights and responds to various comments on his book review of 'Sadly, Porn' by The Last Psychiatrist. The comments cover a wide range of reactions, from strong praise to harsh criticism of the book and its ideas. Topics discussed include the book's obscurantism, its psychoanalytic perspective, the nature of advertising, people's thoughts on compliments, and various interpretations of the book's central themes. Shorter summary
Apr 06, 2022
28 min 3,625 words 312 comments 42 likes podcast
Scott Alexander discusses various perspectives on self-determination, addressing issues like status quo bias, group rights, and the complexities of applying consistent principles to secession cases. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses various comments on his previous post about self-determination. He addresses issues such as the preference for status quo, the nature of group rights, the Confederate secession, international norms, historical investment, and the complexities of applying consistent principles to self-determination cases. Scott generally favors a nuanced approach that respects existing borders by default but allows for secession in cases of oppression or when it can be done peacefully, while acknowledging the difficulties in applying universal rules to such complex situations. Shorter summary
Mar 24, 2022
45 min 5,844 words 699 comments 76 likes podcast
Scott Alexander discusses reactions to his 'Justice Creep' article, exploring different perspectives on framing social issues as matters of justice. Longer summary
This post discusses various reactions to Scott's previous article on 'Justice Creep'. It covers three main categories of responses: those who support framing issues as justice matters, those who see it as a harmful trend, and a comment about 'sexual justice' for incels. Scott then explores the implications of these perspectives, particularly focusing on the distinction between care/harm and fairness foundations in moral reasoning. He also discusses animal welfare, environmental issues, and historical views on charity and justice. The post includes insights from commenters on topics such as the philosophy of justice, Google search result estimates, and the tension between identifying injustice and creating effective change. Shorter summary
Mar 16, 2022
14 min 1,804 words 17 comments 37 likes podcast
Scott Alexander highlights and responds to expert comments on his previous posts about Zulresso and Zuranolone, covering various aspects of these drugs and related topics. Longer summary
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to comments on his previous posts about Zulresso and Zuranolone. The post covers various topics including drug pricing, mechanism details of GABA receptors, etymology of drug names, tolerance development, progesterone's effects, and personal experiences with progesterone. Scott expresses appreciation for the expertise of his commenters, particularly in biomedical topics, and acknowledges learning new information from them. Shorter summary
Feb 11, 2022
27 min 3,475 words 75 comments 34 likes podcast
Scott Alexander explores expert and reader comments on his post about motivated reasoning and reinforcement learning, discussing brain function, threat detection, and the implementation of complex behaviors. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses comments on his post about motivated reasoning and reinforcement learning. The post covers expert opinions on brain function and reinforcement learning, arguments about long-term rewards of threat detection, discussions on practical reasons for motivated reasoning, and miscellaneous thoughts on the topic. Key points include debates on how the brain processes information, the role of Bayesian reasoning, and the challenges of implementing complex behaviors through genetic encoding. Scott also reflects on his own experiences and the limitations of reinforcement learning models in explaining human behavior. Shorter summary
Jan 27, 2022
70 min 9,034 words 212 comments 51 likes podcast
Scott Alexander compiles reader comments on healthcare systems in various countries, discussing economics, drug pricing, and personal experiences. Longer summary
This post is a collection of reader comments on healthcare systems in various countries, focusing on the US, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Australia, Switzerland, and several others. It covers topics like drug pricing, healthcare economics, and personal experiences with different systems. The post is structured into four main sections: comments on US healthcare, discussions on drug pricing and subsidies, explanations of why healthcare economics are unique, and detailed accounts of healthcare systems in specific countries. Shorter summary