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2 posts found
Jul 08, 2022
37 min 4,806 words 456 comments 105 likes podcast
Scott Alexander defends his analysis of the 2020 US homicide spike against various counterarguments, maintaining that it was primarily caused by changes in policing following protests. Longer summary
Scott Alexander responds to comments on his previous post about the 2020 homicide spike in the US. He addresses several counterarguments and alternative explanations, including the role of increased gun sales, racial differences in homicide rates, the exact timing of the spike, changes in policing behavior, media coverage, academic literature on the topic, and potential effects of warm weather. Scott largely maintains his original position that the spike was primarily caused by changes in policing following protests, rather than other factors like the pandemic or increased gun ownership. Shorter summary
Jun 29, 2022
30 min 3,806 words 1,421 comments 327 likes podcast
Scott Alexander presents evidence that the 2020 US homicide spike was caused by Black Lives Matter protests rather than the COVID-19 pandemic. Longer summary
Scott Alexander argues that the 2020 homicide spike in the US was primarily caused by the Black Lives Matter protests rather than the COVID-19 pandemic. He presents evidence on timing, demographics, police pullback, and comparisons with other countries and previous protests to support his claim. The post criticizes media coverage for attributing the spike to complex factors or the pandemic, suggesting a bias in reporting. Shorter summary