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7 posts found
Dec 23, 2021
16 min 1,980 words 231 comments 44 likes podcast
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to reader comments on his 'Diseasonality' article, exploring various aspects of disease seasonality across different viruses and geographical locations. Longer summary
This post discusses highlights from reader comments on the 'Diseasonality' article. It covers several key points: 1) A paper on SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics that explains seasonal patterns of coronaviruses, 2) Insights on how COVID-19 might become a seasonal endemic virus, 3) Discussions on the seasonality of other diseases like chickenpox and flu, 4) Comparisons between disease management and wildfire management, 5) The unique summer seasonality of polio, and 6) A simulation supporting the broad conditions for disease seasonality. The post synthesizes these reader contributions to further explore the concept of disease seasonality introduced in the original article. Shorter summary
Dec 11, 2019
1 min 122 words 9 comments podcast
Scott Alexander apologizes for changing an essay title about circumcision, which caused confusion about its content, and asks readers to consider the original title when voting. Longer summary
Scott Alexander apologizes for changing the title of an essay on circumcision from 'Circumcision: Harms, Benefits, Ethics' to 'Is Circumcision Ethical?'. He explains that he wanted to maintain consistency in the format of titles, but this change caused confusion as it didn't accurately reflect the essay's content, which focused on harms and benefits as much as ethics. He asks readers to consider the original title when voting and invites other authors to provide feedback if they're unhappy with how he's phrased their titles. Shorter summary
Jul 02, 2019
22 min 2,757 words 307 comments podcast
Scott Alexander outlines potential edits for his novel 'Unsong', seeking feedback on character changes, plot restructuring, and overall improvements before pursuing publication. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses potential edits for his online serial novel 'Unsong' before seeking publication. He presents a list of simple issues he's mostly decided on, such as renaming characters and deleting certain chapters. He then outlines more complex issues he's unsure about, including restructuring the narrative, changing character backstories, and improving action scenes. Scott seeks feedback on these changes and asks for readers' opinions on what worked well or needed improvement in the original version. Shorter summary
Nov 21, 2018
1 min 80 words 294 comments podcast
Scott announces an upcoming SSC survey and invites reader suggestions, while warning that most won't be implemented. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces a brief decrease in blogging due to Thanksgiving and informs readers about an upcoming SSC survey. He invites readers to provide suggestions for survey questions, methodology improvements, or any other feedback in the comments. However, he notes that most suggestions will likely not be implemented due to constraints. Shorter summary
May 28, 2018
65 min 8,415 words 558 comments podcast
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to reader comments on his previous post comparing basic income to basic job guarantee programs. Longer summary
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to various comments on his previous post about basic income vs. basic jobs. He covers topics like different countries' experiences with job guarantee programs, potential issues with UBI implementation, economic considerations, and philosophical arguments for and against UBI and basic jobs. The post aims to provide a balanced view of the debate by highlighting thoughtful comments from multiple perspectives. Shorter summary
Apr 03, 2018
48 min 6,219 words 148 comments podcast
Scott Alexander reflects on reader comments about his review of Jordan Peterson's '12 Rules for Life', discussing interpretations of Peterson's philosophy and its impacts. Longer summary
This post summarizes and reflects on various comments made in response to Scott Alexander's review of Jordan Peterson's book '12 Rules for Life'. The comments cover a range of topics including Peterson's philosophical approach, his views on meaning and suffering, his impact on readers, and comparisons to other thinkers like C.S. Lewis. Scott provides his own thoughts on these interpretations, discussing ideas around the nature of meaning, the role of inspiration vs truth, and the merits of Peterson's approach to self-improvement and politics. He also considers how Peterson's ideas might be viewed from different philosophical perspectives. Shorter summary
Dec 21, 2017
1 min 105 words 653 comments podcast
Scott Alexander asks Slate Star Codex readers to take the 2018 SSC Reader Survey, which is divided into three sections of varying lengths. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is requesting readers of Slate Star Codex to participate in the 2018 SSC Reader Survey. The survey is divided into three sections, each taking about ten minutes to complete. Readers are encouraged to complete as many sections as they have time for, with Section 1 being the most important. Scott provides a link to the survey and mentions that additional information is available within the survey itself. He also allows for discussion in the comments but advises readers to complete the survey before reading the comments. Shorter summary