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3 posts found
Nov 12, 2021
10 min 1,256 words 254 comments 112 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces ACX Grants, offering $250,000 to fund promising research and projects, with potential for additional funding through partnerships. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces ACX Grants, a program to fund good research and projects with minimal paperwork. He's allocating $250,000 of his own money and hopes to supplement with more from other sources. The grants aim to support projects that could make the world better but might not attract traditional funding. Applications are open for two weeks, with winners announced 2-4 weeks later. Scott also introduces ACX Grants+ and ACX Grants++, which involve forwarding promising projects to other potential funders or publicizing them on his blog, respectively. Shorter summary
Nov 09, 2021
33 min 4,277 words 573 comments 228 likes podcast
Scott Alexander examines why certain families produce multiple generations of high achievers, exploring genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Longer summary
Scott Alexander explores the phenomenon of highly accomplished families, such as the Huxleys, Darwins, and Curies, who have produced multiple generations of notable scientists, artists, and leaders. He discusses potential explanations for this trend, including privilege, genetics, and unique family environments. The post delves into the role of assortative mating, large family sizes, and the correlation between different types of talents. It also touches on the concept of a 'Hero License' - the idea that coming from an accomplished family might instill the confidence to pursue ambitious goals. Shorter summary
Mar 15, 2013
14 min 1,754 words 51 comments podcast
Scott Alexander announces his acceptance into a psychiatry residency in Michigan, reflecting on the competitive nature of medical residencies and his unexpected positive experiences following a previous rejection. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces his acceptance of a psychiatry residency position in Michigan, starting in late June. He expresses great joy and relief, given the competitive nature of medical residencies in the US due to a shortage of positions. Scott reflects on his previous year's rejection and how it unexpectedly led to a fulfilling time in Berkeley. He concludes by acknowledging the unpredictability of life outcomes, referencing a Taoist parable, and expressing cautious optimism about his future in Michigan. Shorter summary