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5 posts found
Jun 01, 2021
6 min 721 words 24 likes podcast
Scott Alexander explains ACX's comment policy, requiring comments to be at least two of true, necessary, and kind, and lists recent bans. Longer summary
This post outlines the comment policy for Astral Codex Ten (ACX), adapting a saying attributed to ancient Sufis and the Buddha. The policy requires comments to meet at least two of three criteria: true, necessary, and kind. Scott Alexander explains each combination and provides guidelines for acceptable comments. He also mentions societal taboos and his approach to free speech, reserving the right to ban users who consistently post very taboo content. The post concludes with a list of recent bans on the ACX blog. Shorter summary
May 07, 2020
1 min 53 words 230 comments podcast
Scott introduces a recurring classified thread for advertisements, personals, success stories, and financial support requests, emphasizing respectful engagement. Longer summary
This post introduces a recurring classified thread on the blog, inviting readers to post advertisements, personals, and success stories from previous threads. Given current circumstances, the author also allows readers to request financial support, such as linking to GoFundMe campaigns. The post emphasizes respect for those seeking assistance, while acknowledging that donations are optional. Shorter summary
Dec 26, 2019
1 min 107 words 54 comments podcast
Scott Alexander asks readers to vote for their favorite among eight posted adversarial collaborations, with prizes for the top two. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces that all eight adversarial collaborations have been posted and provides a link to the full list. He invites readers who have read all the collaborations to vote for their favorite using a provided link. Scott explains that this year, the winner will be decided by popular vote, with $2000 going to first place and $500 to second place. He concludes by thanking all participants, readers, and voters. Shorter summary
Dec 11, 2019
1 min 122 words 9 comments podcast
Scott Alexander apologizes for changing an essay title about circumcision, which caused confusion about its content, and asks readers to consider the original title when voting. Longer summary
Scott Alexander apologizes for changing the title of an essay on circumcision from 'Circumcision: Harms, Benefits, Ethics' to 'Is Circumcision Ethical?'. He explains that he wanted to maintain consistency in the format of titles, but this change caused confusion as it didn't accurately reflect the essay's content, which focused on harms and benefits as much as ethics. He asks readers to consider the original title when voting and invites other authors to provide feedback if they're unhappy with how he's phrased their titles. Shorter summary
Mar 02, 2014
8 min 955 words 102 comments podcast
Scott Alexander introduces a comment policy for his blog based on the criteria of truth, necessity, and kindness, along with a reporting system and moderation approach. Longer summary
Scott Alexander outlines the comment policy for his blog, inspired by a Victorian-era saying often misattributed to Sufis and Buddha. The policy requires comments to meet at least two of three criteria: true, necessary, and kind. Scott explains each combination and provides examples. He emphasizes that the standards are relatively lax but still prohibit threats, doxxing, and slurs. Scott introduces a reporting system for comments and describes his approach to moderation, including a tiered ban system for policy violations. He acknowledges concerns about low-quality commenters and expresses intent to be more strict in moderation. Shorter summary