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7 posts found
Jan 21, 2021
1 min 34 words 12 comments podcast
Scott Alexander announces the launch of his new blog, Astral Codex Ten, and provides the URL. Longer summary
This is a brief announcement post by Scott Alexander introducing his new blog, Astral Codex Ten. He thanks readers for their patience during the transition period and provides the URL for the new blog. Scott also mentions that he's working on securing a more user-friendly domain name in the near future. Shorter summary
Sep 11, 2020
8 min 931 words 76 comments podcast
Scott Alexander updates readers on his situation post-blog deletion, discussing job transitions, potential move to Substack, and future plans while maintaining anonymity. Longer summary
Scott Alexander provides an update on his situation two and a half months after deleting his blog due to privacy concerns. He discusses ongoing uncertainty with the New York Times, his decision to transition away from his current job, and plans to start a private practice. Scott also reveals negotiations with Substack to move his blog to their platform, citing increased safety and generous financial incentives. He addresses reader concerns about the platform and outlines Substack's commitments to accommodate his preferences. Scott expresses gratitude for supporter's respect of his anonymity and confirms plans for a future book review contest. Shorter summary
Scott Alexander deletes his blog Slate Star Codex to prevent the New York Times from revealing his real name, citing professional and safety concerns. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the deletion of his blog Slate Star Codex due to a New York Times reporter planning to reveal his real name in an article. He explains his reasons for maintaining pseudonymity, including professional concerns as a psychiatrist and personal safety. Scott expresses hope that the NYT will reconsider their policy, allowing him to restore the blog. He provides alternative platforms for his community and asks supporters to politely contact the NYT about their doxxing policy. The post includes later edits addressing the eventual publication of the NYT article and its negative tone. Shorter summary
Sep 06, 2019
1 min 82 words 15 comments podcast
Less Wrong is hosting a party in Berkeley for Bay Area SSC readers, with Scott Alexander and the Less Wrong team attending. Longer summary
Less Wrong is hosting a party in Berkeley this Saturday and is inviting Bay Area SSC readers as an experiment to see if inviting people to parties via blog is effective. The party will be held at a private house at 2412 MLK Jr Way, starting at 7 PM. Scott Alexander will be attending, along with the Less Wrong website team and other interesting people. A Facebook event page is provided for more details. Shorter summary
Feb 13, 2018
15 min 1,942 words 332 comments podcast
Scott Alexander presents a collection of negative and often insulting testimonials about himself and his blog Slate Star Codex, showcasing criticism of his writing, personality, and perceived ideologies. Longer summary
This post is a collection of negative testimonials about Scott Alexander and his blog Slate Star Codex. The testimonials range from critical comments to outright insults, covering various aspects of Scott's writing, personality, and perceived ideological stances. The post is presented in a humorous and self-deprecating manner, with Scott showcasing these negative comments about himself and his work. The testimonials touch on topics such as politics, rationality, autism, and Scott's writing style, often in harsh or offensive language. Shorter summary
May 15, 2013
1 min 117 words 3 comments podcast
Scott Alexander provides an index of his blog posts about Raikoth, a constructed society he created, covering various aspects of its culture and structure. Longer summary
This post serves as an index for Scott Alexander's series of blog posts about his constructed society called Raikoth. The index lists seven posts covering various aspects of Raikoth, including laws, language, society, corruption, priesthood, cities, land, symbolic beads, economics, relationships, history, religion, and science. The post also includes a link to a related article titled 'Five Thousand Years In An Alternate Universe'. Shorter summary
Mar 10, 2013
4 min 464 words 6 comments podcast
Scott Alexander organizes online groups for the game 'Fermat's Last Stand', providing player lists and DM contact information, and invites potential replacements to comment. Longer summary
Scott Alexander organizes players for the game 'Fermat's Last Stand' into three online groups led by different DMs (Scott, Charlie, and Karl), based on time zones, friendships, and belief diversity. He provides contact information for the DMs and lists the players in each group, requesting some to send their email addresses. Scott also mentions meatspace groups and a DM Google Group for coordination. He invites interested individuals who missed the initial coordination to comment with their details for potential replacement spots. Shorter summary