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6 posts found
Apr 29, 2020
9 min 1,086 words 436 comments podcast
Scott Alexander shares his 100 predictions for 2020, covering topics from coronavirus to personal goals, each with an assigned probability. Longer summary
Scott Alexander presents his annual list of predictions for the upcoming year (2020). The post includes 100 predictions on various topics including coronavirus, politics, economics, technology, his blog Slate Star Codex, personal life, and professional life. Each prediction is assigned a probability percentage. The predictions cover a wide range of subjects from global events to personal goals, with some entries redacted for privacy reasons. Scott explains the rules for these predictions and how they will be scored at the end of the year. Shorter summary
Jan 17, 2020
1 min 81 words 50 comments podcast
Scott Alexander announces the last chance to take the 2020 SSC survey, providing brief instructions and thanking participants. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is announcing the final opportunity for readers to participate in the 2020 SSC (Slate Star Codex) survey. The survey is open to all blog readers, takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, and Scott cautions participants to be careful about clicking links to avoid losing their progress. He expresses gratitude to those who have already taken the survey and indicates that he will be sharing the results in the near future. Shorter summary
Jul 04, 2019
6 min 665 words 204 comments podcast
Scott Alexander clarifies that his blog Slate Star Codex is not strictly representative of the rationalist community, and addresses common misconceptions about the blog's relationship to rationalism and effective altruism. Longer summary
Scott Alexander clarifies several points about his blog Slate Star Codex (SSC) and its relationship to the rationalist community. He emphasizes that SSC is not strictly a 'rationalist blog', comparing it to a 'rationalist picnic' rather than a 'rationalist monastery'. Scott expresses skepticism about claims of rationality's practical utility in everyday life, and points readers to other resources for more intensive rationalist and effective altruist content. He stresses that while he's not distancing himself from the rationalist community, SSC should not be seen as representative of or equivalent to the broader rationalist movement. The post aims to address common misconceptions and set appropriate expectations for readers. Shorter summary
Feb 14, 2018
10 min 1,190 words 133 comments podcast
Scott Alexander humorously presents and comments on bizarre search terms that led people to his blog, Slate Star Codex. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews unusual search terms that led people to his blog, Slate Star Codex. The post is a humorous collection of bizarre, sometimes disturbing, and often nonsensical search queries. Scott groups similar queries together and adds witty commentary, creating a comedic effect through the juxtaposition of unrelated or absurd concepts. The post highlights the strange and varied interests of internet users, as well as common misspellings of terms like 'Glasgow Coma Scale' and 'Slate Star Codex'. Shorter summary
Feb 13, 2018
9 min 1,136 words 89 comments podcast
Scott Alexander celebrates Slate Star Codex's fifth anniversary by thanking the many people who have contributed to the blog's success and growth. Longer summary
Scott Alexander celebrates the fifth anniversary of Slate Star Codex, thanking numerous individuals and groups who have contributed to the blog's success. He expresses gratitude to those who have helped with technical aspects, moderation, organization of meetups, and content creation. Scott also thanks his supporters, advertisers, and even his critics for their decency. He acknowledges the value of the blog's community, particularly in comments and survey participation, which has enabled interesting research findings. Shorter summary
Jan 28, 2014
7 min 908 words 50 comments podcast
Scott Alexander lists 60 predictions for 2014 across global events, online communities, and personal life, assigning probabilities to each. Longer summary
Scott Alexander makes a series of predictions for the year 2014, covering global events, online community developments, and personal matters. The predictions are assigned probabilities ranging from 50% to 99%. Global predictions include topics like Obamacare, wars, Bitcoin prices, and election outcomes. Online community predictions focus on various internet forums and organizations like Less Wrong, CFAR, and MIRI. Personal predictions cover Scott's job, relationships, lifestyle choices, and ideological stances. The post is structured as a list of predictions with associated probabilities, demonstrating Scott's interest in forecasting and rationality. Shorter summary