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4 posts found
Mar 27, 2020
51 min 6,534 words 950 comments podcast
Scott Alexander discusses various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including strategies, mysteries, controversies, and global impacts. Longer summary
This blog post discusses various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the 'hammer and dance' strategy, smoking cessation, mysteries surrounding Japan's low case numbers, takeout food safety, ventilator numbers, the UK's policy reversal, density and infection rates, hydroxychloroquine controversy, concerns about developing countries, donation opportunities, cost-benefit analysis of lockdowns, US stimulus bill negotiations, and media coverage of the pandemic across the political spectrum. The post also includes short links to other coronavirus-related news and developments. Shorter summary
Jun 18, 2019
6 min 756 words 472 comments podcast
Scott Alexander examines the ethics of supporting formerly 'evil' companies that transition to more ethical practices, ultimately leaning towards supporting their new ventures. Longer summary
Scott Alexander explores the ethical dilemma of supporting formerly 'evil' companies that pivot to more ethical practices. He uses examples like Philip Morris moving to smoke-free cigarettes and KFC offering meatless options. The post discusses whether companies that profited from harmful practices should be allowed to profit again from ethical alternatives. Scott compares this to offering dictators comfortable retirements to encourage them to relinquish power. He ultimately leans towards supporting these companies' new ethical ventures, citing reasons such as the difficulty of predicting moral progress, the inconsistency of only boycotting visible offenders, and the practical challenges of effective boycotts. Shorter summary
Mar 25, 2014
7 min 829 words 25 comments podcast
Scott Alexander criticizes a study on e-cigarette effectiveness for quitting smoking, explaining potential sampling bias that could skew the results. Longer summary
Scott Alexander critiques a study claiming e-cigarette users are no more likely to quit smoking tobacco after a year than non-users. He explains why he's skeptical of the study's methodology, using a hypothetical world analogy to illustrate potential sampling bias. Scott suggests that the study might be capturing more unsuccessful e-cigarette users due to their longer period of dual use, skewing the results. He ends with a brief, unrelated mention of his addiction-medicine teacher appearing on Fox News to discuss marijuana. Shorter summary
Mar 28, 2013
14 min 1,738 words 42 comments podcast
Scott Alexander argues that e-cigarettes are likely replacing regular cigarettes rather than non-smoking, making them beneficial for public health despite government attempts to ban them. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses the concept of 'funging' and how it applies to e-cigarettes. He argues that e-cigarettes are likely replacing regular cigarettes rather than non-smoking, making them a net positive for public health. The post criticizes governments trying to ban e-cigarettes, arguing that while they may be addictive, they are far less harmful than regular cigarettes. Scott also touches on the cognitive enhancement effects of nicotine and his personal stance on addiction and substance use. The tone is analytical and somewhat sardonic, especially when discussing government policies. Shorter summary