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7 posts found
Jan 25, 2019
10 min 1,207 words 97 comments podcast
Scott Alexander shares his 118 predictions for 2019, covering politics, economics, technology, and personal matters, with assigned probability percentages for each prediction. Longer summary
Scott Alexander presents his annual predictions for the upcoming year (2019). The post includes 118 predictions covering various topics such as US politics, economics, technology, world events, and personal matters. Each prediction is assigned a probability percentage. The predictions range from political outcomes (e.g., Trump's presidency, Democratic primaries) to economic indicators (e.g., Bitcoin prices, stock market performance) and personal goals. Many personal predictions are redacted to protect privacy. Scott explains the rules for these predictions and how they will be scored at the end of the year. Shorter summary
Jan 02, 2018
16 min 2,076 words 216 comments podcast
Scott Alexander evaluates his 2017 predictions, analyzing his accuracy and calibration across different confidence levels. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews his predictions for 2017, made at the beginning of the year. He lists all predictions, marking false ones with strikethrough and uncertain ones in italics. He then analyzes his accuracy, presenting a graph of his calibration. Scott notes he was slightly overconfident at the 70% level, which he tried to correct from last year's underconfidence. He observes a tendency to overestimate how smoothly personal affairs would go and underestimate the US economy. Overall, he's satisfied with his calibration, showing neither global over- nor underconfidence. Shorter summary
Dec 31, 2016
13 min 1,634 words 130 comments podcast
Scott Alexander evaluates his 2016 predictions, finding good overall calibration with slight underconfidence at 70% probability, consistent with previous years. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews his predictions for 2016, comparing them to actual outcomes. He lists predictions for world events and personal/community matters, marking false predictions with strikethrough and true ones intact. He then calculates his accuracy for different confidence levels, finding he was generally well-calibrated but slightly underconfident at 70% probability. He compares this year's results to previous years, noting a similar pattern of underconfidence in medium probabilities. Overall, he considers his 2016 predictions successful and promises predictions for 2017 soon. Shorter summary
Jan 25, 2016
12 min 1,447 words 534 comments podcast
Scott Alexander shares his 100 predictions for 2016, assigning probabilities to each across various global and personal topics. Longer summary
Scott Alexander presents his predictions for 2016, covering a wide range of topics from world events to personal matters. He assigns probabilities to each prediction, indicating his level of confidence. The predictions span various areas including global politics, economics, technology, and personal life events. Scott also mentions other bloggers who are making similar yearly predictions with probabilities. Shorter summary
Jan 02, 2016
8 min 992 words 173 comments podcast
Scott Alexander evaluates the accuracy of his 2015 predictions, finding overall good calibration and considering it a successful year. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews his predictions for 2015, assessing their accuracy. He lists 35 predictions across world events and personal life, marking successful ones and crossing out failed ones. He then scores them based on confidence levels, presenting the results in a graph. Overall, Scott considers it a successful year for his predictions, with good calibration except at the 50% confidence level. He also comments on Scott Adams' reported prediction success for 2015, suggesting ways to verify the authenticity of such claims and expressing interest in seeing Adams make concrete predictions for 2016. Shorter summary
Jun 13, 2015
5 min 615 words 211 comments podcast
Scott Alexander makes belated predictions for 2015, covering world events and personal life with varying confidence levels. Longer summary
Scott Alexander belatedly makes predictions for 2015, covering world events and personal life. He explains his delay and sets out 35 predictions with confidence levels ranging from 50% to 99%. The predictions cover topics such as international conflicts, economic issues, US politics, and personal goals. Scott invites readers to suggest additional predictions. Shorter summary
Jan 01, 2015
8 min 974 words 91 comments podcast
Scott Alexander evaluates his 2014 predictions, finding himself well-calibrated across various confidence levels, and jokingly declares himself trustworthy on all matters. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews his predictions for 2014, made at the start of that year, and evaluates his calibration. He lists 59 predictions covering various topics including politics, world events, personal life, and the rationalist community. Each prediction is marked as a success or failure. Scott then provides a breakdown of his accuracy at different confidence levels, from 50% to 99%. The results show that he was well-calibrated across all levels, with perfect accuracy for predictions at 90% confidence and above. He concludes by declaring himself 'impressively well-calibrated' and jokingly suggests that he should be trusted about everything. The post ends with a mention that 2015 predictions will be coming soon. Shorter summary