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2 posts found
Jan 04, 2018
48 min 6,224 words 313 comments podcast
Scott Alexander reviews Foucault's 'Madness and Civilization', examining its controversial historical analysis of societal attitudes towards mental illness. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews Michel Foucault's 'Madness and Civilization', exploring its historical analysis of societal attitudes towards mental illness from the Renaissance to the 19th century. The review highlights Foucault's controversial interpretations, including the mythical 'Ship of Fools', the confinement of the mad with criminals and the poor, and the author's critical view of mental health reforms. Scott notes the book's fascinating historical insights and beautiful writing, while expressing skepticism about some of Foucault's claims and his postmodern approach to analyzing history. Shorter summary
Mar 31, 2016
59 min 7,612 words 427 comments podcast
Scott reviews a book arguing against deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill, agreeing with many of its claims but ultimately disagreeing with its conclusion. Longer summary
Scott reviews Clayton Cramer's book 'My Brother Ron', which argues against deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill. The book traces the history of mental health care in America, from colonial times through the rise of large institutions and their subsequent closure. While Scott agrees with many of Cramer's empirical claims about problems faced by deinstitutionalized mentally ill people, he ultimately disagrees with Cramer's conclusion that reinstitutionalization is needed. Scott argues for alternatives like involuntary outpatient commitment that preserve more freedom for the mentally ill while still providing treatment. Shorter summary