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1 posts found
Sep 06, 2017
8 min 961 words 78 comments podcast
Scott Alexander explores the similarities between Predictive Processing and Perceptual Control Theory, arguing that PCT anticipates many aspects of PP and deserves recognition for its insights. Longer summary
Scott Alexander draws parallels between Predictive Processing (PP) and Perceptual Control Theory (PCT), suggesting that PCT anticipates many aspects of PP. He argues that both theories share the concept of cognitive 'layers' acting at various levels, with upper layers influencing lower layers to produce desired stimuli. Scott notes that PP offers a more refined explanation for higher-level cognitive processes compared to PCT's sometimes overly simplistic model. He concludes by comparing Will Powers, the originator of PCT, to ancient Greek atomists like Epicurus, suggesting that Powers' work deserves recognition for its prescient insights, even if it has been superseded by more advanced theories. Shorter summary