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2 posts found
Aug 21, 2017
9 min 1,129 words 72 comments podcast
An explorer tries to save himself from cannibals by claiming he can blot out the sun during a partial solar eclipse, leading to humorous misunderstandings and frustration. Longer summary
This post is a fictional story about an explorer who tries to convince a tribe of savages not to eat him by claiming he can blot out the sun. He attempts to demonstrate this using a pinhole projector during a partial solar eclipse, but the savages are skeptical due to the subtlety of the effect. The explorer struggles to explain the phenomenon and becomes increasingly frustrated. Eventually, the chieftain agrees to let him go if he makes the sun return. The explorer leaves but returns shortly after, preferring to be eaten rather than face the traffic on the road out. The story is a humorous take on the challenges of communicating scientific concepts across cultural barriers and the sometimes underwhelming nature of natural phenomena. Shorter summary
Jun 21, 2017
50 min 6,392 words podcast
Scott Alexander critiques the concept of 'racism' as an oversimplified explanation for complex issues, arguing for a more nuanced approach to understanding and addressing societal problems. Longer summary
Scott Alexander critiques the concept of 'racism' as a catch-all term that conflates different motives and beliefs, leading to ineffective discourse and polarization. He argues that treating racism as a simple explanation for complex issues prevents understanding root causes and finding effective solutions. The post uses an analogy of 'murderism' to illustrate how this approach is flawed, and suggests that breaking down racist actions into non-racist motives can lead to better outcomes. Scott emphasizes the importance of maintaining liberal values and open dialogue to prevent societal breakdown. Shorter summary