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2 posts found
Jan 10, 2016
4 min 444 words 236 comments podcast
The post highlights the effectiveness of bednets in combating malaria in Africa, citing impressive statistics and encouraging donations to continue this progress. Longer summary
The post discusses the significant impact of malaria control efforts, particularly the use of insecticide-treated bednets, in Africa between 2000 and 2015. It cites a Nature study and comments from Giving What We Can, highlighting that bednets have prevented around 450 million cases of malaria and contributed to saving 6.2 million lives. The author expresses enthusiasm about humanity's progress against malaria and shares that they donated a thousand bednets, encouraging others to donate to the Against Malaria Foundation. Shorter summary
Aug 30, 2013
13 min 1,583 words 48 comments podcast
Scott Alexander argues that military interventions can potentially be a cost-effective way to help foreigners, contrary to a Slate article's claim. Longer summary
Scott Alexander critiques a Slate article arguing that military interventions are an expensive way to help foreigners. He argues that comparing interventions to GiveWell's top charities is flawed reasoning, and presents a cost-effectiveness analysis of the 2011 Libya intervention. Using quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) as a metric, he calculates that the Libya intervention cost about $65 per QALY, which is slightly more cost-effective than donations to the Against Malaria Foundation at $75 per QALY. Scott emphasizes that both figures are extremely low compared to typical healthcare interventions. He concludes that military interventions can potentially be very cost-effective for humanitarian goals, though they come with risks and unpredictable consequences. Shorter summary