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3 posts found
Sep 03, 2024
19 min 2,459 words Comments pending
Scott Alexander presents a series of satirical job interviews at Thiel Capital, where candidates share increasingly absurd unpopular beliefs, highlighting the nature of conspiracy theories and contrarian thinking. Longer summary
This post is a satirical piece featuring a series of fictional job interviews at Thiel Capital. Each interview involves asking candidates to share an unpopular belief they hold. The responses range from absurd conspiracy theories to unconventional interpretations of historical events and scientific concepts. The interviewers' reactions highlight the absurdity of the candidates' beliefs, while also poking fun at the idea of 'based' or controversial opinions in tech and finance circles. The piece uses humor to explore themes of conspiracy theories, contrarian thinking, and the nature of unconventional beliefs. Shorter summary
Jan 11, 2015
19 min 2,342 words 301 comments podcast
Scott examines phatic communication and anti-inductive systems, exploring their roles in social interactions, job-seeking, and psychotherapy, and suggests the value of balancing both approaches. Longer summary
Scott explores the concepts of phatic communication and anti-inductive systems, using examples from small talk, job interviews, and psychotherapy. He explains that phatic communication is talking for the sake of talking, often serving as social grooming or signaling. Anti-inductive systems are those that become more complex once understood. Scott discusses how job-seeking and dating profiles can become anti-inductive as people try to stand out. He then reflects on his experiences in psychotherapy, realizing that sometimes a phatic approach works better than trying to be uniquely insightful. The post concludes by suggesting that people may fall into 'phatic culture' or 'anti-inductive culture', and that learning to appreciate phatic communication can be beneficial in certain situations. Shorter summary
Jun 18, 2014
15 min 1,898 words 348 comments podcast
Scott Alexander shares a diverse collection of links and brief commentary on topics ranging from climate change to social science research, with both serious analysis and humorous observations. Longer summary
This post is a collection of interesting links and brief commentary on various topics. Scott Alexander covers a wide range of subjects, including climate change, economics, social science research, technology, and current events. He shares studies, news articles, and personal observations, often with a skeptical or analytical perspective. The post includes both serious topics and more lighthearted content, reflecting Scott's diverse interests and tendency to explore unconventional ideas. Shorter summary