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3 posts found
Sep 10, 2014
8 min 935 words 374 comments podcast
Scott Alexander argues that biological solutions to societal problems may be more effective and easier to implement than social interventions, challenging common perceptions about mutability of human characteristics. Longer summary
Scott Alexander challenges the stereotype that the Left believes human characteristics are socially determined and mutable, while the Right believes they are biologically determined and fixed. He argues that society is actually very difficult to change, while biological factors can often be more easily addressed. He provides examples such as drug abuse, obesity, and poor school performance, where social interventions have largely failed but biological solutions (like banning lead or vitamin supplementation) have shown promising results. The post suggests that we should not dismiss biological explanations and solutions to societal problems, as they may be more tractable than purely social approaches. Shorter summary
May 08, 2013
11 min 1,389 words 53 comments podcast
The post details the Third Eye surveillance system and Priesthood of Truth in the fictional society of Raikoth, exploring how these institutions work to prevent corruption and maintain social order. Longer summary
This post describes two key elements of the fictional society of Raikoth: the Third Eye system and the Priesthood of Truth. Third Eyes are lifelogging cameras that citizens can wear to record their activities, with the data encrypted and only accessible with the wearer's consent. This system helps deter crime and resolve disputes. The Priesthood of Truth consists of highly trained individuals who make important predictions and judgments, from criminal trials to marriage compatibility. They are held to extremely high standards of honesty and accuracy, with severe consequences for dishonesty. Shorter summary
May 06, 2013
23 min 2,956 words 129 comments podcast
Scott Alexander presents Raikoth, his fictional utopian society, which strives for perfection in language, government, and population through unique systems and practices. Longer summary
Scott Alexander describes Raikoth, a fictional utopian society he created. Raikoth is an island nation of 8 million people that aims for perfection in three areas: language, government, and population. They use Kadhamic, a 'perfect language' designed for philosophical rigor, and are governed by AI 'Angels' that make decisions based on utilitarian calculations. The population is carefully managed through birth control, exile of criminals, and selective breeding. Education focuses on meditation, psychedelic experiences, and rationality. The post provides detailed information about Raikoth's history, government structure, societal norms, and educational system. Shorter summary