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Tag: parody

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Dec 24, 2013
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4 min 523 words 35 comments
Scott Alexander shares a humorous Christmas poem parodying Dr. Seuss and the biblical story of King Herod, exploring the true meaning of Christmas. Longer summary
This post is a Christmas-themed parody poem in the style of Dr. Seuss, retelling the biblical story of King Herod and the Massacre of the Innocents. The poem humorously depicts Herod's attempt to prevent the birth of Jesus by stealing all the babies in Jewville. However, when Christmas still comes despite his actions, Herod realizes that the holiday might not be solely about Jesus. The poem ends with Herod having a change of heart, returning the children, and joining in the celebration. Scott Alexander notes that this is a repost from his old blog, which he has locked, and he's selectively reposting content he believes should be preserved. Shorter summary