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3 posts found
Sep 05, 2024
11 min 1,378 words Comments pending
Scott discusses various interpretations and uses of 'sorry' in response to comments on his previous article about the phrase 'I'm sorry you feel that way'. Longer summary
This post highlights comments on Scott's previous article about the phrase 'I'm sorry you feel that way'. It explores various perspectives on the use and interpretation of 'sorry', including its etymological roots and cultural shifts in understanding. Scott discusses the challenges of finding alternative phrases, the potential generational gap in interpreting 'sorry', and the concept of 'hyperstitious slur cascade'. He also reflects on the difficulties of crafting socially acceptable alternatives and the nuances of apologizing without admitting fault. Shorter summary
Dec 12, 2013
6 min 709 words 64 comments podcast
Scott Alexander examines Pope Francis's PR-friendly actions, questioning why previous Popes didn't employ similar strategies and considering how this shift reflects changing public values. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses Pope Francis being named Time's Person of the Year, expressing appreciation for the Pope's good work while questioning the public's focus on his PR-friendly actions. He argues that these actions, like washing the feet of the poor or living humbly, are obvious PR moves that any savvy leader would make. Scott wonders why previous Popes didn't engage in similar activities, suggesting that Francis might be the first to truly understand modern PR. The post ends with an edit considering that perhaps previous Popes' strategies of projecting power and wealth were actually more effective for their times, implying a significant shift in public values over the past century. Shorter summary
Apr 06, 2013
18 min 2,243 words 303 comments podcast
Scott Alexander shares his journey from skepticism to acceptance of polyamory, challenging common misconceptions and describing his personal experiences. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reflects on his experience with polyamory, describing how his initial skepticism transformed into acceptance and participation. He compares the normalization of polyamory to historical shifts in social norms, like the acceptance of Irish immigrants. Scott challenges common misconceptions about polyamory, emphasizing that it's more about meaningful relationships than casual sex. He discusses the rarity of jealousy in his experience and the prevalence of compersion. The post concludes with thoughts on the 'primary relationship' structure in polyamory and acknowledges some personal uncertainties about certain polyamorous arrangements. Shorter summary