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6 posts found
Aug 17, 2013
59 min 7,587 words 30 comments podcast
Scott describes a philosophical role-playing game adventure called 'Fermat's Last Stand', featuring puzzles, debates, and original songs. Longer summary
This post describes a role-playing game adventure called 'Fermat's Last Stand', a sequel to a previous game. It follows a group of philosophers and other characters on a quest to find information about the mysterious Bayesian Conspiracy. Their journey takes them through various philosophical and mathematical challenges, encounters with famous thinkers, and battles with pirates. The adventure involves solving puzzles, engaging in debates, and navigating ethical dilemmas. The story is interspersed with original songs that relate to the plot and characters. The post ends with credits for those who helped create the game and music. Shorter summary
Apr 15, 2013
21 min 2,651 words 46 comments podcast
Scott Alexander reflects on 13 years of participating in Micras, a complex geopolitical role-playing game, discussing its impact on his life and the lessons learned about leadership and human behavior. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reflects on his 13-year involvement in a complex role-playing game called Micras, where participants simulate countries and cultures on a fictional planet. He discusses how this experience has shaped his real-life relationships, skills, and understanding of leadership and human behavior. Scott explains how the game's lack of rules mirrors real-world politics and social dynamics, providing valuable lessons in consensus-building and leadership. He also describes how creating fictional societies in Micras can be a deeply personal and introspective experience, reflecting one's values and evolving worldview. Shorter summary
Apr 07, 2013
2 min 217 words 4 comments podcast
Scott Alexander urgently seeks a new 'Apologist' player for a Dungeons and Discourse game session happening within five hours. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is urgently seeking a new player for the role of 'Apologist' in their Dungeons and Discourse game session. The original player has dropped out, and they need a replacement within the next five hours. Scott is looking for someone who is religious or can convincingly roleplay as such, and who is interested in philosophy and gaming. He emphasizes the urgency of the situation, as the game has already been postponed several times, and provides his email for interested volunteers to contact him. Shorter summary
Mar 10, 2013
4 min 464 words 6 comments podcast
Scott Alexander organizes online groups for the game 'Fermat's Last Stand', providing player lists and DM contact information, and invites potential replacements to comment. Longer summary
Scott Alexander organizes players for the game 'Fermat's Last Stand' into three online groups led by different DMs (Scott, Charlie, and Karl), based on time zones, friendships, and belief diversity. He provides contact information for the DMs and lists the players in each group, requesting some to send their email addresses. Scott also mentions meatspace groups and a DM Google Group for coordination. He invites interested individuals who missed the initial coordination to comment with their details for potential replacement spots. Shorter summary
Feb 26, 2013
4 min 477 words 36 comments podcast
Scott Alexander is organizing a new 'Dungeons & Discourse' philosophical role-playing game campaign, seeking players and DMs with specific preferences and philosophical knowledge. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is organizing a new 'Dungeons & Discourse' campaign, a philosophical role-playing game. He's seeking players and DMs, asking for preferences on playing or DMing, location, scheduling, and philosophical beliefs. The game requires significant knowledge of philosophy. Scott plans to provide campaign material to DMs, including songs and a basic plot outline. He aims to form parties by early March and start the campaign soon after. Shorter summary
Feb 22, 2013
6 min 776 words 69 comments podcast
Scott Alexander releases the Third Edition of Dungeons and Discourse, a philosophy role-playing game, detailing numerous improvements and changes. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the release of the Third Edition of Dungeons and Discourse, a philosophy role-playing game. The post details numerous changes and improvements to the game, including new spells, a revamped prestige class system, simplified combat mechanics, and updated character statistics. Scott also mentions plans to convert the rulebook into a wiki and teases an upcoming campaign called 'Fermat's Last Stand'. Shorter summary