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2 posts found
Apr 10, 2013
17 min 2,290 words 70 comments
Scott Alexander critiques Alasdair MacIntyre's 'After Virtue', finding fault with its arguments for virtue ethics and its historical claims about morality in ancient societies. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews Alasdair MacIntyre's book 'After Virtue', criticizing its central arguments and historical claims. He finds MacIntyre's critique of modern moral philosophy somewhat valid but disagrees with the proposed solution of virtue ethics. Scott argues that virtue ethics is particularly ill-suited to solve moral dilemmas, contrary to MacIntyre's claims. He also challenges MacIntyre's historical narrative, pointing out that the problems MacIntyre attributes to modern society were present in ancient Greek society as well. Scott expresses confusion about why MacIntyre is so highly regarded, comparing him unfavorably to Edward Feser, another philosopher with similar views but whose arguments Scott found more coherent and illuminating. Shorter summary
Scott Alexander presents his thoughts on Alasdair MacIntyre's 'After Virtue' through a humorous modified XKCD comic, highlighting the complexity of philosophical debates. Longer summary
Scott Alexander humorously presents his thoughts on the first 40 pages of Alasdair MacIntyre's 'After Virtue' through a modified XKCD comic. The comic depicts two stick figures discussing philosophy, with one expressing frustration at the complexity and seemingly endless nature of philosophical debates. The comic touches on various philosophical concepts and debates, including ontology, materialist reductionism, and computational idealism, while humorously highlighting the ongoing nature of philosophical discourse. Shorter summary