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8 posts found
Scott Alexander explains why 'doing something' about mentally ill homeless people is more complex than it seems, detailing current processes and challenges in implementing alternatives. Longer summary
Scott Alexander critiques the common call to 'do something' about mentally ill homeless people, explaining why seemingly simple solutions are often impractical or ineffective. He details the current process for dealing with disruptive mentally ill homeless individuals, highlighting its limitations and the numerous challenges in implementing alternative approaches. The post emphasizes the need for specific, well-thought-out plans rather than vague demands for action, and critiques articles that criticize 'soft' approaches without offering concrete, feasible alternatives. Shorter summary
Mar 24, 2022
45 min 5,844 words 699 comments 76 likes podcast
Scott Alexander discusses reactions to his 'Justice Creep' article, exploring different perspectives on framing social issues as matters of justice. Longer summary
This post discusses various reactions to Scott's previous article on 'Justice Creep'. It covers three main categories of responses: those who support framing issues as justice matters, those who see it as a harmful trend, and a comment about 'sexual justice' for incels. Scott then explores the implications of these perspectives, particularly focusing on the distinction between care/harm and fairness foundations in moral reasoning. He also discusses animal welfare, environmental issues, and historical views on charity and justice. The post includes insights from commenters on topics such as the philosophy of justice, Google search result estimates, and the tension between identifying injustice and creating effective change. Shorter summary
Mar 16, 2022
10 min 1,211 words 687 comments 250 likes podcast
Scott Alexander examines the increasing use of 'justice' framing in social and environmental issues, exploring its implications and potential societal impact. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses the trend of framing various social and environmental issues as matters of 'justice,' such as 'economic justice,' 'climate justice,' and 'racial justice.' He argues that this semantic shift from 'helping' or 'saving' to 'justice' carries different implications and connotations. The post explores how the justice framing might suggest current conditions are unjust, imply an obligation to pursue justice, and potentially conflate sophisticated philosophical concepts with criminal justice connotations. Scott also posits that this shift might reflect a transition from utopian to dystopian thinking in society. Shorter summary
Sep 29, 2020
49 min 6,340 words 63 likes podcast
Scott Alexander maintains a list of significant mistakes in his blog posts, providing corrections and updates in reverse chronological order. Longer summary
Scott Alexander maintains a list of significant mistakes he has made in his blog posts, providing corrections and updates. He acknowledges errors in data interpretation, misunderstandings of studies, incorrect predictions, and instances where he changed his mind based on new evidence or reader feedback. The list is presented in reverse chronological order and covers a wide range of topics including medicine, economics, psychology, and social issues. Shorter summary
Feb 22, 2017
236 min 30,585 words 124 comments podcast
Scott Alexander reposts his 'Non-Libertarian FAQ' critiquing libertarian philosophy and arguments, noting it no longer fully reflects his current views. Longer summary
This post is a reposting of Scott Alexander's 'Non-Libertarian FAQ' (aka 'Why I Hate Your Freedom'), which he wrote about 5 years prior. The FAQ aims to provide a comprehensive critique of libertarian philosophy and arguments. It covers economic issues like externalities and market failures, social issues like social mobility and taxation, political issues like government competence and specific policy areas, and moral issues around rights and consequentialism. The author notes that this version no longer fully reflects his current views and is being reposted by popular request and for historical interest. Shorter summary
Dec 24, 2015
18 min 2,279 words 992 comments podcast
Scott Alexander explores the hidden prevalence of misery in society, using his psychiatric experience and statistical analysis to argue that suffering is more widespread than commonly perceived. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reflects on the prevalence of misery and hardship in society, based on his experiences as a psychiatrist. He describes typical patient profiles that showcase severe life difficulties, and contrasts this with the tendency of people to socially filter for those similar to themselves. The post then presents statistics on various forms of suffering and runs a simulation to estimate how common these issues are in the general population. The author concludes that the world is likely much worse than most people realize, even in seemingly prosperous areas, and cautions against dismissing the problems of any particular group. He suggests that this realization might motivate people to contribute to efforts to improve the world, such as through charitable donations. Shorter summary
Oct 18, 2014
9 min 1,077 words 472 comments podcast
Scott shares a diverse collection of interesting links and brief commentary on topics including linguistics, science, economics, and social issues. Longer summary
This post is a collection of interesting links and brief commentary on various topics. Scott covers subjects ranging from linguistics and philosophy to scientific discoveries and social issues. He discusses recent research on evolution, cold fusion claims, autism theories, and dark matter detection. The post also touches on economic topics like immigration effects and living costs in major cities. Scott includes some humorous content and critiques of social policies in countries like Saudi Arabia. The tone is informative and slightly humorous, with Scott offering brief personal opinions on some of the topics discussed. Shorter summary
Jan 26, 2014
14 min 1,715 words 119 comments podcast
Scott Alexander presents a diverse collection of recent news items, studies, and interesting facts, covering topics from public health to economics to quirky trivia. Longer summary
This post is a collection of diverse news items, studies, and interesting facts curated by Scott Alexander. It covers a wide range of topics including public health policies, economics, scientific discoveries, social issues, and quirky facts. Scott provides brief commentary on many of the items, often with a touch of humor or irony. The post doesn't have a central theme but rather serves as a roundup of interesting information Scott has come across recently. Shorter summary