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22 posts found
May 17, 2024
7 min 889 words 210 comments 48 likes podcast
Scott Alexander seeks help in selecting finalists for the 2024 Book Review Contest by asking readers to rate entries from a pool of 150 reviews. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the start of the process to narrow down 150 book review entries to about a dozen finalists for the Book Review Contest 2024. He provides links to six Google Docs containing the entries, organized alphabetically, and asks readers to help by reading and rating reviews using a provided form. Scott emphasizes the importance of not reading reviews in order to ensure a more even distribution of votes. He mentions a random review chooser script and provides a deadline of June 1 for voting. The post also includes instructions for authors to check if their reviews are included and how to address any missing entries. Shorter summary
Apr 19, 2024
4 min 423 words 309 comments 54 likes podcast
Scott Alexander shares the results of the 2024 Astral Codex Ten survey, providing access to data and promising future analyses. Longer summary
Scott Alexander presents the results of the 2024 Astral Codex Ten survey, which had 5,981 participants. He provides links to the survey questions and results, and offers a downloadable dataset of responses from those who agreed to share their data publicly. Scott mentions that more detailed analyses will be published throughout the year, and invites readers to explore the data themselves. He also notes some measures taken to protect respondents' anonymity in the public dataset. Shorter summary
Apr 11, 2024
1 min 121 words 517 comments 49 likes podcast
Scott introduces an irregular classifieds thread for readers to advertise in various categories, providing guidelines and related resources. Longer summary
This post introduces an irregular classifieds thread where readers can advertise various things in the comments. Scott provides guidelines for organizing responses into categories like Employment, Dating, Read My Blog, Consume My Product/Service, Meetup, or Other. He emphasizes being respectful, especially regarding dating ads, and provides links to related resources such as job boards and dating directories. Shorter summary
Mar 02, 2024
5 min 531 words 99 comments 75 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the 2024 Book Review Contest, detailing submission guidelines, prizes, and a new focus on including nontraditional book categories. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the 2024 Book Review Contest, inviting readers to submit reviews of books. The contest has no strict word count requirement, but previous successful entries were between 2,000 and 10,000 words. Entries should be submitted through a Google Form, with the actual review in a separate, unlocked Google Doc. The contest aims to be as blind as possible, so reviewers should not include identifying information in their review. Prizes range from $500 to $2,500, with additional benefits for winners and finalists. This year, about 25% of finalist slots will be reserved for reviews of books from nontraditional categories like fiction, poetry, or pre-1900 works. The submission deadline is May 5th. Shorter summary
Nov 10, 2023
85 min 10,981 words 86 comments 32 likes podcast
Scott provides updates and reader responses to his previous 'Quests and Requests' article, addressing the status and potential of each proposed project. Longer summary
This is a follow-up post to Scott's 'Quests and Requests' article, addressing the current status and responses to each of the eight projects proposed. Scott provides updates, shares relevant comments and offers from readers, and gives his thoughts on the progress and potential of each quest. He also clarifies his intentions and expectations for these projects, encouraging self-organization among interested parties. Shorter summary
Sep 21, 2023
2 min 145 words 424 comments 56 likes podcast
Scott announces a classifieds thread on his blog, explaining posting rules and providing related resources. Longer summary
This is an announcement for a trimonthly classifieds thread on Astral Codex Ten. Scott explains the rules for posting ads in different categories like employment, dating, blogs, products/services, meetups, and others. He provides links to related resources and reminds users to be respectful, especially regarding dating ads. The post also includes a cancellation notice for a San Jose / South Bay meetup. Shorter summary
Sep 15, 2023
16 min 1,951 words 248 comments 160 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the winners and finalists of the 2023 Book Review Contest, providing details about the reviews, authors, and prizes. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the winners of the 2023 Book Review Contest, listing the top three winners, finalists, and honorable mentions. He provides details about the prizes, brief descriptions of the winning reviews and their authors, and mentions plans for another contest next year. The post also includes information on how participants can check their scores and thanks those who helped organize the contest. Shorter summary
Feb 04, 2022
4 min 484 words 94 comments 47 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the 2022 Book Review Contest, detailing rules, submission guidelines, and prizes for participants. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the 2022 Book Review Contest, inviting readers to submit reviews of books. The post outlines the contest rules, including submission guidelines, word count suggestions, and prize details. Participants are asked to submit their entries through a Google Form, ensuring the reviews are anonymous for fair judging. The contest offers cash prizes for the top three winners, along with free publicity and ACX subscriptions for all finalists. Shorter summary
Jul 16, 2021
6 min 736 words 745 comments 46 likes podcast
Scott Alexander describes a now-closed reader survey project supporting ACX community studies, with instructions on survey completion and content warnings. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is conducting a reader survey project to support studies by ACX community members. The post provides instructions for readers to fill out multiple surveys, starting with a general demographic survey and then proceeding based on their birth date. The surveys cover various topics, some targeted at specific populations. Scott notes that some surveys deal with sensitive topics and advises readers to skip any that make them uncomfortable. He also mentions that the project is now closed and no further responses will be counted. Shorter summary
Jun 18, 2021
2 min 259 words 123 comments 33 likes podcast
Scott Alexander opens voting for the book review contest, listing 17 finalists and providing a voting link. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the voting process for the book review contest. Readers are invited to vote for their favorite entries using approval voting, with voting open until the end of June. The post includes a list of the 17 finalist book reviews, each with a link to the full review. Shorter summary
Feb 04, 2021
4 min 411 words 35 comments 36 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the final rules and details for his postponed book review contest, including submission guidelines, prizes, and publication plans. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the final rules for his book review contest, which was originally planned for last summer but postponed due to his hiatus. He outlines the submission deadline, prizes, judging process, and publication plans for both finalist and non-finalist entries. Scott also clarifies submission format requirements and rights granted to him for publishing the reviews. Shorter summary
May 07, 2020
1 min 53 words 230 comments podcast
Scott introduces a recurring classified thread for advertisements, personals, success stories, and financial support requests, emphasizing respectful engagement. Longer summary
This post introduces a recurring classified thread on the blog, inviting readers to post advertisements, personals, and success stories from previous threads. Given current circumstances, the author also allows readers to request financial support, such as linking to GoFundMe campaigns. The post emphasizes respect for those seeking assistance, while acknowledging that donations are optional. Shorter summary
Jan 20, 2020
4 min 498 words 174 comments podcast
Scott Alexander presents the results of the 2020 Slate Star Codex survey, including links to data, privacy measures, and future analysis plans. Longer summary
This post announces the results of the 2020 Slate Star Codex survey, which received 8,043 responses. Scott Alexander provides links to the survey questions and aggregated results, addresses privacy concerns by removing long-answer questions from public view, and offers downloadable datasets for those interested in analyzing the data themselves. He mentions plans for publishing more complex analyses over the coming year. The post also includes the results of a game from the survey, 'Prisoner's Dilemma Against Your Clone', and instructions for the winner to claim their prize. Shorter summary
Jan 13, 2019
2 min 161 words 347 comments podcast
Scott Alexander announces the results of the 2019 Slate Star Codex survey, providing links to the questions, results, and downloadable public datasets. Longer summary
This post announces the results of the 2019 Slate Star Codex survey, which was completed by 8,171 people. Scott Alexander provides links to view the survey questions and results, and mentions that more detailed analyses will be published over the coming year. He also offers downloadable datasets of the public responses for those who want to investigate the data themselves, noting that these datasets exclude some sensitive information and may not exactly match the full version. Shorter summary
Nov 21, 2018
1 min 80 words 294 comments podcast
Scott announces an upcoming SSC survey and invites reader suggestions, while warning that most won't be implemented. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces a brief decrease in blogging due to Thanksgiving and informs readers about an upcoming SSC survey. He invites readers to provide suggestions for survey questions, methodology improvements, or any other feedback in the comments. However, he notes that most suggestions will likely not be implemented due to constraints. Shorter summary
May 03, 2018
1 min 20 words 227 comments podcast
Scott announces a classified thread for advertisements, personals, and success stories, with uncertain frequency. Longer summary
This post introduces a recurring classified thread for the blog community. It invites readers to post advertisements, personals, and share success stories from previous threads. The frequency of the thread is uncertain, described as possibly monthly, bimonthly, or occasional. Shorter summary
Apr 26, 2018
8 min 1,032 words 605 comments podcast
Scott Alexander announces a contest for adversarial collaborations, offering prizes for teams who write balanced summaries on controversial topics they disagree about. Longer summary
Scott Alexander proposes a contest for adversarial collaborations, where two people with opposing views on a topic work together to write a balanced summary of the evidence. The goal is to provide readers with a fair assessment of controversial issues. Scott offers a $1000 prize for the best collaboration, with potential for a $250 second-place prize. He outlines rules for the contest, including writing as a united front, coming to a unified conclusion, and allowing publication on Slate Star Codex. The post encourages participants to find collaborators in the comments section and suggests topics could range from political issues to medicine, history, or religion. Shorter summary
Dec 21, 2017
1 min 105 words 653 comments podcast
Scott Alexander asks Slate Star Codex readers to take the 2018 SSC Reader Survey, which is divided into three sections of varying lengths. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is requesting readers of Slate Star Codex to participate in the 2018 SSC Reader Survey. The survey is divided into three sections, each taking about ten minutes to complete. Readers are encouraged to complete as many sections as they have time for, with Section 1 being the most important. Scott provides a link to the survey and mentions that additional information is available within the survey itself. He also allows for discussion in the comments but advises readers to complete the survey before reading the comments. Shorter summary
Dec 12, 2017
1 min 20 words 417 comments podcast
Scott announces a classified thread for advertisements, personals, and success stories, with uncertain frequency. Longer summary
This post announces a classified thread for the blog community, inviting readers to post advertisements, personals, and success stories from previous threads. The author expresses uncertainty about the frequency of these threads, suggesting they might be monthly, bimonthly, or occasional. Shorter summary
May 22, 2017
1 min 46 words 510 comments podcast
Scott proposes a classified ads thread for readers to post various ads, including personal ads for women and gay people, while he's away at a conference. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces he's away at a conference and won't be blogging. Instead, he proposes a classified ads thread where readers can post ads for jobs, housing, products, websites, and other items. He also allows personal ads from women and gay people, noting that given the demographics of his readership, it might not be worthwhile for straight men to post personal ads. Shorter summary
Oct 02, 2015
7 min 896 words 116 comments podcast
Scott Alexander presents 50 new 'Tom Swifties', a form of wordplay combining quotes with punning adverbs, in his third collection of these jokes. Longer summary
Scott Alexander presents a collection of 50 'Tom Swifties', a form of wordplay where a quoted sentence is linked to a punning adverb. This post is the third in a series, following two previous collections. The Swifties range from simple puns to more complex jokes requiring knowledge of history, literature, or pop culture. Some entries are credited to commenters from previous posts. The humor often relies on double meanings, homophones, or creative interpretations of phrases. Shorter summary
Feb 22, 2013
6 min 776 words 69 comments podcast
Scott Alexander releases the Third Edition of Dungeons and Discourse, a philosophy role-playing game, detailing numerous improvements and changes. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the release of the Third Edition of Dungeons and Discourse, a philosophy role-playing game. The post details numerous changes and improvements to the game, including new spells, a revamped prestige class system, simplified combat mechanics, and updated character statistics. Scott also mentions plans to convert the rulebook into a wiki and teases an upcoming campaign called 'Fermat's Last Stand'. Shorter summary