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2 posts found
Jul 01, 2021
40 min 5,108 words 144 comments 59 likes podcast
Scott Alexander shares and discusses reader comments on his review of 'How Asia Works', covering various critiques and alternative explanations for Asian economic development. Longer summary
This post highlights comments on Scott Alexander's review of Joe Studwell's book 'How Asia Works'. Commenters discuss various aspects of the book's arguments, including land reform, industrial policy, and financial systems. They bring up counterexamples and alternative explanations for Asian economic development, such as IQ differences and the role of US support. The post also includes data on GDP growth in different Asian countries and discusses the potential for other developing countries to follow similar paths to success. Scott adds his own thoughts and analysis throughout. Shorter summary
Feb 18, 2021
65 min 8,427 words 492 comments 73 likes podcast
Scott Alexander responds to comments on his review of 'The Cult of Smart', addressing criticisms and expanding on topics like charter schools, meritocracy, and education reform. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses various reactions to his review of Freddie DeBoer's book 'The Cult of Smart'. He addresses criticisms of charter schools, clarifies his stance on meritocracy, and elaborates on his negative experiences with schooling. The post also explores ideas about reforming education systems, the tension between order and freedom in schools, and ways to empower less advantaged people in society. Shorter summary