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2 posts found
Apr 09, 2021
60 min 7,731 words 214 comments 149 likes podcast
This review of Galen's 'On the Natural Faculties' challenges common misconceptions about the ancient physician, portraying him as more empirical and scientifically-minded than typically believed. Longer summary
This review explores Galen's 'On the Natural Faculties', providing context on Galen's life and work, and challenging common misconceptions about him. The author finds Galen to be more empirical and scientifically-minded than typically portrayed, with a nuanced understanding of biology and medicine for his time. The review discusses Galen's arguments against rival schools of thought, his emphasis on observation and experimentation, and his concept of 'Nature' as a precursor to evolutionary thinking. It also examines possible reasons for Galen's tarnished reputation in modern times, suggesting it may be due to later misinterpretations of his work or shifts in scientific paradigms. Shorter summary
Dec 13, 2014
17 min 2,081 words 326 comments podcast
Scott criticizes the misuse of terms like 'debunked' in academic and political discourse, arguing for more nuanced examination of studies and their critiques. Longer summary
This post critiques the misuse of terms like 'debunked' and 'well-refuted' in academic and political discourse. Scott argues that these terms are often used to dismiss opposing views without proper consideration, using examples from debates on campus rape statistics and minimum wage studies. He emphasizes the importance of critically examining studies and their critiques, rather than blindly accepting claims of debunking. The post highlights the dangers of confirmation bias and the need for nuanced understanding of complex issues, rather than simplistic dismissals of opposing viewpoints. Shorter summary