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13 posts found
Mar 26, 2024
2 min 226 words 651 comments 68 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the 2024 ACX Survey, inviting readers to participate and potentially win a free subscription. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces his annual reader survey for 2024, which serves to gather information about his readership and to replicate psychological findings. He mentions some interesting results from past surveys, explains that the survey will take 15-30 minutes, and offers free one-year paid subscriptions to five randomly-selected respondents as an incentive. Scott provides a link to the survey and asks readers to report any significant issues with the questions. Shorter summary
Jan 18, 2024
7 min 904 words 164 comments 103 likes podcast
Scott Alexander conducts his yearly subscription drive for Astral Codex Ten, listing benefits and unlocking some subscriber-only content to encourage sign-ups. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is holding his yearly subscription drive for Astral Codex Ten, despite feeling awkward about it due to already making significant income from the blog. He explains the benefits of paid subscription, shows a graph of declining paid subscribers, and lists the 14 subscriber-only articles from the past year. To encourage subscriptions, he's temporarily unlocked three of these articles. Scott humorously compares subscribing to a deal with the Devil, suggesting readers might forget to unsubscribe after accessing the archive. Shorter summary
Feb 02, 2023
4 min 492 words 69 comments 86 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the 2023 Book Review Contest, detailing submission guidelines, prizes, and deadlines for book review entries. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the 2023 Book Review Contest, inviting readers to submit reviews of any book they choose. The contest details include submission guidelines, prize amounts, and judging criteria. Entries should be submitted through a Google Form by April 5th, with the actual review in an unlocked Google Doc. Scott emphasizes the importance of anonymity in the review document to ensure fair judging. Prizes range from $500 to $2,500, with additional benefits for winners and finalists. Shorter summary
Jan 20, 2023
4 min 514 words 504 comments 66 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the results of the 2022 ACX survey, providing links to questions, results, and downloadable datasets, with notes on privacy measures and future analyses. Longer summary
This post announces the results of the 2022 Astral Codex Ten survey, which had 7,341 participants. Scott Alexander provides links to the survey questions and results, and offers downloadable datasets for public use. He mentions that more detailed analyses will be published over the coming year. The post also includes information on data anonymization measures taken to protect respondents' privacy, and notes some limitations and peculiarities in the data collection process. Scott encourages readers to explore the data themselves and offers to provide more complete information upon request. Shorter summary
Jan 13, 2023
5 min 580 words 172 comments 114 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces a subscription drive for Astral Codex Ten, offering samples of subscriber-only content to encourage new subscriptions. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is holding a subscription drive for his blog, Astral Codex Ten. He explains the benefits of a paid subscription, including extra articles, hidden open threads, and early access to drafts. Despite already making a significant income from the blog, he's noticed a decline in subscriptions over time and wants to maintain his current level. He provides a sample of previously subscriber-only posts that he's temporarily unlocked, as well as a list of other subscriber-only post titles from the past year. Scott emphasizes that he doesn't want readers to feel pressured to subscribe if they can't easily afford it. Shorter summary
Dec 30, 2022
2 min 181 words 766 comments 75 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the 2022 ACX Survey, highlighting past findings and offering incentives for participation. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the 2022 ACX Survey, an annual reader survey that helps him understand his audience and investigate interesting hypotheses. He highlights some findings from previous years, estimates the survey will take 20-40 minutes to complete, and offers free one-year paid subscriptions to five randomly-selected respondents as an incentive. The survey will be open until January 15, and readers are encouraged to report any problems in the comments. Shorter summary
Sep 02, 2022
18 min 2,254 words 350 comments 129 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the winners of the 2022 Book Review Contest, lists finalists and honorable mentions, and provides commentary on the entries and contest process. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the winners and finalists of the 2022 Book Review Contest. The post lists the top 5 winners, followed by the remaining finalists and honorable mentions. Scott provides brief commentary on many of the reviews, explaining his selection process and praising various aspects of the entries. He also shares some insights about the anonymity of the contest and its results, noting that some well-known writers performed well. The post concludes with information about prizes for winners and finalists, and a brief mention of plans for next year's contest. Shorter summary
Jul 10, 2021
6 min 674 words 180 comments 62 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the winners of the Book Review Contest, lists all finalists, and explains the prizes, including increased monetary awards. Longer summary
This post announces the winners of the Book Review Contest. The first place goes to Lars Doucet for his review of 'Progress and Poverty', second place to Whimsi for 'Down And Out In Paris And London', and third place to ELP for 'On The Natural Faculties'. A Readers' Choice Award is given to Misha Saul for 'Disunited Nations vs. Dawn Of Eurasia'. Scott lists all other finalists and their identities. He mentions that all finalists receive a free subscription to Astral Codex Ten, and the top winners get monetary prizes, which have been quintupled due to subscriber generosity. The post ends with instructions for prize collection and a link to a list of all contestants. Shorter summary
Feb 12, 2020
4 min 422 words 261 comments podcast
Scott Alexander addresses Infowars readers about a misattributed survey analysis, providing caveats and emphasizing proper attribution and vaccine safety. Longer summary
Scott Alexander addresses new readers from Infowars, who linked to his blog regarding a survey analysis about mental illness and political affiliation. He clarifies that the analysis was not his own but done by a Twitter user using his survey data. Scott provides several important caveats about the interpretation of these results, including potential biases in diagnosis rates and the unrepresentative nature of his blog's audience. He also points out that a similar finding was reported using the more rigorous General Social Survey. Scott emphasizes the importance of proper attribution in media reporting and reiterates the safety of vaccines. Shorter summary
Jan 17, 2020
1 min 81 words 50 comments podcast
Scott Alexander announces the last chance to take the 2020 SSC survey, providing brief instructions and thanking participants. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is announcing the final opportunity for readers to participate in the 2020 SSC (Slate Star Codex) survey. The survey is open to all blog readers, takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, and Scott cautions participants to be careful about clicking links to avoid losing their progress. He expresses gratitude to those who have already taken the survey and indicates that he will be sharing the results in the near future. Shorter summary
Dec 30, 2019
5 min 650 words 408 comments podcast
Scott Alexander is requesting readers to participate in the 2020 Slate Star Codex Survey, which helps him gather data for research and community planning. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is asking readers to take the 2020 Slate Star Codex Survey. The survey helps him learn about his readers, plan community events, and provides informal research data for interesting posts. It's open to anyone who has read the blog before December 30, 2019. The survey is in two parts: Part I takes about 10 minutes and asks basic questions, while Part II takes about 15 minutes and focuses on research topics. Scott mentions some limitations of the survey and offers the possibility of a monetary prize for randomly selected respondents. Shorter summary
Jul 04, 2019
6 min 665 words 204 comments podcast
Scott Alexander clarifies that his blog Slate Star Codex is not strictly representative of the rationalist community, and addresses common misconceptions about the blog's relationship to rationalism and effective altruism. Longer summary
Scott Alexander clarifies several points about his blog Slate Star Codex (SSC) and its relationship to the rationalist community. He emphasizes that SSC is not strictly a 'rationalist blog', comparing it to a 'rationalist picnic' rather than a 'rationalist monastery'. Scott expresses skepticism about claims of rationality's practical utility in everyday life, and points readers to other resources for more intensive rationalist and effective altruist content. He stresses that while he's not distancing himself from the rationalist community, SSC should not be seen as representative of or equivalent to the broader rationalist movement. The post aims to address common misconceptions and set appropriate expectations for readers. Shorter summary
Jan 13, 2019
2 min 161 words 347 comments podcast
Scott Alexander announces the results of the 2019 Slate Star Codex survey, providing links to the questions, results, and downloadable public datasets. Longer summary
This post announces the results of the 2019 Slate Star Codex survey, which was completed by 8,171 people. Scott Alexander provides links to view the survey questions and results, and mentions that more detailed analyses will be published over the coming year. He also offers downloadable datasets of the public responses for those who want to investigate the data themselves, noting that these datasets exclude some sensitive information and may not exactly match the full version. Shorter summary