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3 posts found
Mar 14, 2024
4 min 467 words 381 comments 427 likes podcast
Scott Alexander's poem, inspired by a tragic aid airdrop incident in Gaza, explores the challenges and unintended consequences of altruism through various philosophical lenses. Longer summary
Scott Alexander presents a poetic reflection on the challenges and unintended consequences of trying to help others, inspired by a tragic incident where an aid airdrop killed five people in Gaza. The poem explores various philosophical approaches to altruism and social responsibility, ultimately settling on a utilitarian perspective while acknowledging its limitations. The verses touch on historical figures, personal growth, and the complexities of moral decision-making in a world where good intentions can lead to harmful outcomes. Shorter summary
Jun 23, 2023
49 min 6,336 words 186 comments 141 likes podcast
A review of 'Public Citizens' by Paul Sabin, examining how Ralph Nader's public interest movement transformed American governance, with both positive and negative long-term effects. Longer summary
This book review discusses 'Public Citizens' by Paul Sabin, which explores how Ralph Nader and the public interest movement he inspired transformed American governance, leading to unintended consequences that now hinder progressive action. The review traces Nader's career from his early advocacy for auto safety to his creation of a new model of activism through litigation and regulatory pressure. It examines how this approach, while achieving significant reforms, also contributed to the current bureaucratic gridlock in American governance. The review concludes with a brief discussion of Nader's controversial role in the 2000 presidential election. Shorter summary
Oct 25, 2013
7 min 898 words 21 comments podcast
Scott presents a humorous list of fictional drugs banned by the FDA, each with unexpected and often ironic consequences. Longer summary
This post is a satirical list of fictional drugs banned by the FDA, each with a unique profile and an often ironic or paradoxical reason for its ban. The drugs range from treatments for pre-traumatic stress disorder to antibiotics for intelligent bacteria. Each drug description includes its intended use and the unexpected consequences that led to its ban. The post uses humor and creativity to explore themes of unintended consequences in medicine, the complexities of drug development, and the sometimes absurd nature of bureaucratic decision-making. Shorter summary