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10 posts found
Nov 03, 2023
32 min 4,100 words 557 comments 126 likes podcast
Scott Alexander proposes various project ideas for ACX Grants, ranging from scientific research to social initiatives, and encourages readers to pursue them. Longer summary
Scott Alexander proposes several project ideas for the upcoming ACX Grants round. These range from replicating brain entrainment learning results to creating an open-source polygenic score for educational attainment. Other suggestions include campaigns similar to John Green's anti-tuberculosis effort, a novel approach to language teaching, an automatic Implicit Association Test generator, a new dating site concept, a foundation to promote classical art and architecture, and a primer on political change. Scott encourages readers to take on these projects, offering potential publicity and connections to funders. Shorter summary
Mar 03, 2023
5 min 574 words 18 comments 47 likes podcast
Scott updates readers on the Impact Market Mini-Grants project, detailing recent developments and the project timeline. Longer summary
Scott Alexander provides an update on the Impact Market Mini-Grants project, which tests a new model of charitable funding. The post outlines recent developments, including an increase in the potential funding pot, the submission of 16 projects, and the start of the investment phase for accredited investors. It also details the current schedule for the project, from the deadline for submissions to the final funding decisions in September. Shorter summary
Feb 24, 2023
15 min 1,931 words 98 comments 63 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces a $20,000 grants round for forecasting projects using impact certificates, explaining the process for creators and investors. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the Forecasting Impact Mini-Grants, a $20,000 grants round for forecasting projects using impact certificates. The post explains how creators can propose projects on Manifund, how accredited investors can participate, and how the funding will work. It also covers the role of Manifold Markets, the legal and financial aspects, and addresses various questions about eligibility, funding sources, and potential risks. The initiative aims to test impact markets as a charitable funding mechanism while supporting forecasting-related projects. Shorter summary
Feb 02, 2023
4 min 492 words 69 comments 86 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the 2023 Book Review Contest, detailing submission guidelines, prizes, and deadlines for book review entries. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the 2023 Book Review Contest, inviting readers to submit reviews of any book they choose. The contest details include submission guidelines, prize amounts, and judging criteria. Entries should be submitted through a Google Form by April 5th, with the actual review in an unlocked Google Doc. Scott emphasizes the importance of anonymity in the review document to ensure fair judging. Prizes range from $500 to $2,500, with additional benefits for winners and finalists. Shorter summary
Nov 04, 2022
33 min 4,283 words 106 comments 65 likes podcast
Scott Alexander provides updates on the ACX Grants project, summarizing the progress of grantees and their ongoing needs. Longer summary
This post provides updates on the ACX Grants project, where Scott Alexander awarded grants to various individuals and organizations for innovative projects. The post summarizes the progress of each grantee, their self-assessed performance on a scale of 1-10, and any additional help or funding they are seeking. The projects range from scientific research and technology development to policy advocacy and social initiatives. Scott also reflects on lessons learned from the grant program and announces the creation of an ACX Grantees Discord for grantees to connect with each other. Shorter summary
Feb 10, 2022
96 min 12,376 words 114 comments 24 likes podcast
Scott Alexander shares the second half of ACX Grants, presenting 59 diverse project proposals seeking funding or support. Longer summary
Scott Alexander presents the second half of ACX Grants, a list of projects seeking funding or support that he couldn't fully fund himself. The post includes 59 diverse project proposals (numbered 67-125) covering topics such as medical research, technology development, social initiatives, and scientific studies. Each proposal includes a brief description of the project, its goals, and contact information for those interested in supporting or collaborating. Shorter summary
Feb 03, 2022
98 min 12,655 words 185 comments 32 likes podcast
Scott Alexander presents brief descriptions of 66 diverse projects seeking funding or support as part of the ACX Grants program. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the closing part of ACX Grants, presenting brief descriptions of projects that he couldn't fully fund himself. He invites readers to consider donating money, time, or other resources to these projects. The post includes 66 diverse project proposals, ranging from scientific research to social initiatives, each with a short description and contact information for interested parties. Shorter summary
Jan 21, 2022
5 min 619 words 67 comments 65 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces Grants ++, asking unfunded ACX Grant applicants to resubmit concise proposals for potential reader funding. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the next phase of ACX Grants called Grants ++, where unfunded proposals will be published for readers to potentially offer funding. Due to challenges with unclear instructions and the large volume of proposals, Scott is asking applicants to resubmit their proposals in a concise one-paragraph format (max 1500 characters). He provides examples of the desired format and sets guidelines for inclusion, such as allowing startups only if they have a charitable aspect. Applicants are instructed to submit their paragraphs through a provided link by January 28, 2022, with the understanding that submissions are final and cannot be changed once sent. Shorter summary
Dec 28, 2021
52 min 6,732 words 362 comments 227 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces the results of the ACX Grants program, awarding funding to various projects and individuals across different fields. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the results of the ACX Grants program, which awarded funding to various projects and individuals across different fields. He provides details on the awardees, their projects, and the grant amounts. Scott also discusses the challenges of the grant-making process, acknowledges the help he received, and outlines future steps for the program. Shorter summary
Nov 12, 2021
10 min 1,256 words 254 comments 112 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces ACX Grants, offering $250,000 to fund promising research and projects, with potential for additional funding through partnerships. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces ACX Grants, a program to fund good research and projects with minimal paperwork. He's allocating $250,000 of his own money and hopes to supplement with more from other sources. The grants aim to support projects that could make the world better but might not attract traditional funding. Applications are open for two weeks, with winners announced 2-4 weeks later. Scott also introduces ACX Grants+ and ACX Grants++, which involve forwarding promising projects to other potential funders or publicizing them on his blog, respectively. Shorter summary