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Jun 28, 2021
68 min 8,757 words 656 comments 156 likes podcast
The review examines 'How Asia Works' by Joe Studwell, which proposes a three-part model for economic development based on the success of East Asian countries. Longer summary
This book review explores Joe Studwell's 'How Asia Works', which argues that successful Asian economies followed a three-part development model: land reform, state-guided industrialization with export discipline, and financial policies supporting the first two goals. The review compares successful countries like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China with less successful ones like Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. It discusses the importance of land reform, industrial policy, and financial controls in early development stages, and how these policies differ from standard free-market advice. The review also considers potential counterarguments and the book's implications for current development economics. Shorter summary
May 26, 2013
2 min 246 words 8 comments podcast
Scott Alexander describes a trip to the Midwest with his father, highlighting regional charm and his father's practical nature, ending with the purchase of a Subaru in Detroit. Longer summary
Scott Alexander describes a trip to the Midwest with his father, highlighting the region's 'Americana' charm. He recounts his father's practical nature, illustrated by a story of their visit to Japan where his father insisted on Italian food. The post ends with Scott purchasing a Subaru in Detroit on his father's recommendation, showing a blend of his father's practicality and a nod to Japanese industry. Shorter summary