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Tag: anti-prediction

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1 posts found
Apr 06, 2013
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16 min 2,355 words 28 comments
Scott Alexander discusses Robin Hanson's vision of a future with emulated humans, debating the preservation of human values and the nature of future societal coordination. Longer summary
Scott Alexander recounts a conversation with Robin Hanson about the future of humanity, focusing on Hanson's vision of a Malthusian future with emulated humans. They discuss the potential loss of human values like love in such a future, the concept of anti-predictions, and the ability of future societies to coordinate and solve problems. The dialogue touches on the speed of technological change, the preservation of values, and the potential for cultural variation in a post-human world. Scott challenges some of Hanson's views, particularly on the preservation of human values in a hypercompetitive future. Shorter summary