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3 posts found
Mar 27, 2023
46 min 5,967 words 316 comments 543 likes podcast
A fictional game show story explores the blurred lines between human and AI intelligence through philosophical debates and personal anecdotes. Longer summary
This post is a fictional story in the form of a game show called 'Turing Test!' where a linguist must determine which of five contestants are human or AI. The story explores themes of artificial intelligence, human nature, spirituality, and the boundaries between human and machine intelligence. As the game progresses, the contestants engage in philosophical debates and share personal stories, blurring the lines between human and AI behavior. The story ends with a twist that challenges the reality of the entire scenario. Shorter summary
Dec 23, 2022
3 min 376 words 185 comments 184 likes podcast
Scott fact-checks and disproves a claim that all healthy people have mystical experiences using SSC Survey data. Longer summary
Scott Alexander fact-checks a tweet claiming all healthy people have mystical experiences using data from the 2020 SSC Survey. He defines a 'very mentally healthy' category and compares their reported spiritual experiences to the general survey population. The analysis shows that very mentally healthy individuals are actually less likely to report spiritual experiences, disproving the tweet's claim. Scott expresses relief at this finding, noting that spiritual experiences can be helpful for people during difficult times. Shorter summary
Apr 21, 2015
23 min 2,950 words 470 comments podcast
A fictional DMT trip where the narrator tries to prove the reality of entities by asking them to factor a number, but receives cryptic responses about love and joy instead. Longer summary
This post is a fictional story about a person's DMT trip, where they encounter a cactus person and a big green bat in a surreal landscape. The narrator tries to prove the reality of the DMT entities by asking them to factor a large number, based on a methodology suggested in a paper. However, the entities respond with cryptic messages about universal love and transcendent joy, frustrating the narrator. The story explores themes of spirituality, enlightenment, and the limitations of rational thinking in understanding psychedelic experiences. It ends with a humorous twist where the entities actually know the answer but don't reveal it until after the narrator has left. Shorter summary