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2 posts found
Apr 10, 2014
4 min 503 words 29 comments podcast
Scott provides answers to a dermatology quiz, discussing skin cancer risks, a quiz correction, and the surprising effectiveness of Botox in treating depression. Longer summary
This post provides answers to a dermatology quiz from the previous day. It covers three main points: 1) The increased risk of left-sided skin cancer for American drivers due to UV exposure, 2) A correction to a false statement in the quiz, and 3) The effectiveness of Botox in treating depression. The author then speculates on the implications of using Botox as a happiness-boosting intervention, comparing it to other utilitarian approaches like poverty relief and malaria nets. Shorter summary
Apr 09, 2014
1 min 120 words 60 comments podcast
Scott presents a dermatology pop quiz with three statements, asking readers to identify and explain the two true ones. Longer summary
Scott presents a dermatology pop quiz in the form of a 'Two Truths and a Lie' game, offering three statements about skin-related facts and asking readers to choose which two they think are true and explain why. The statements cover skin cancer distribution, acne's relation to longevity, and Botox as a potential depression treatment. Scott notes that this is a shorter post and, based on the comments, admits that the quiz might have been too easy. Shorter summary