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Jul 21, 2023
53 min 6,771 words 125 comments 169 likes podcast
A review of 'The Laws of Trading' by Agustin Lebron, examining trading principles and their broader applications to decision-making and life. Longer summary
This book review analyzes 'The Laws of Trading' by Agustin Lebron, which explores trading principles and their applications to decision-making in various aspects of life. The reviewer discusses Lebron's insights on motivation, adverse selection, risk management, liquidity, edge, models, costs and capacity, possibility, alignment, technology, and adaptation, while drawing parallels to other fields and offering personal reflections. Shorter summary
Nov 03, 2013
15 min 1,941 words 28 comments podcast
In a post-apocalyptic world, a visitor to a technologically advanced town learns about an annual time anomaly that may be connected to the fall of the ancient civilization. Longer summary
The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where advanced technology is rare and poorly understood. It follows Meical Dorn, a Lorekeeper from Great Rabda, as he visits Tal Aivon to trade for a 'sunblessing' (a functioning piece of old technology). During his visit, he learns about a mysterious annual event where time seems to move backwards for an hour. The Chief Lorekeeper of Tal Aivon, Fin Lerisas, explains his theory that this anomaly is a remnant of the ancient world's attempt to control time, which may have led to its downfall. The story ends with Meical leaving with a 'mather' (calculator) and a newfound fear of the mysteries of time. Shorter summary