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2 posts found
Sep 19, 2022
19 min 2,451 words 73 comments 109 likes podcast
Scott Alexander discusses Janus' experiments with GPT-3, exploring its capabilities, quirks, and potential implications. Longer summary
This post discusses Janus' work with GPT-3, exploring its capabilities and quirks. It covers how GPT-3 can generate self-aware stories, the differences between older and newer versions of the model, its tendency to fixate on certain responses, and some amusing experiments. The post highlights the balance between creativity and efficiency in AI language models, and touches on the potential implications of AI development. Shorter summary
Aug 06, 2021
44 min 5,613 words 406 comments 57 likes podcast
Scott Alexander responds to comments on his AI risk post, discussing AI self-awareness, narrow vs. general AI, catastrophe probabilities, and research priorities. Longer summary
Scott Alexander responds to various comments on his original post about AI risk. He addresses topics such as the nature of self-awareness in AI, the distinction between narrow and general AI, probabilities of AI-related catastrophes, incentives for misinformation, arguments for AGI timelines, and the relationship between near-term and long-term AI research. Scott uses analogies and metaphors to illustrate complex ideas about AI development and potential risks. Shorter summary