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2 posts found
May 18, 2021
43 min 5,536 words 639 comments 77 likes podcast
Scott Alexander responds to reader comments on his culture wars article, addressing various topics including 4chan history, transgender issues, feminism, dating apps, and internet censorship. Longer summary
This post highlights various comments on Scott's previous article about online culture wars. It covers topics such as the history of 4chan, the role of transgender issues in culture wars, the decline of feminism discourse, the impact of dating apps on social interactions, internet censorship, and the evolution of online movements. Scott responds to these comments, often agreeing with some points while remaining skeptical of others. He also reflects on how his own perspective might be limited by his age and experiences. Shorter summary
Nov 04, 2013
1 min 107 words 26 comments podcast
Scott Alexander lists five reasons why Guy Fawkes Day should be forgotten, demonstrating how easy it is to generate arguments when one puts some thought into it. Longer summary
This post presents a list of five reasons why Guy Fawkes Day (Gunpowder Treason) should be forgotten. The reasons range from historical anti-Catholic bigotry to modern associations with internet culture. Scott Alexander provides this list not because he's against the celebration, but to demonstrate that it's possible to come up with reasons for something if one thinks about it for a few minutes. Shorter summary