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3 posts found
Apr 11, 2024
1 min 121 words 517 comments 49 likes podcast
Scott introduces an irregular classifieds thread for readers to advertise in various categories, providing guidelines and related resources. Longer summary
This post introduces an irregular classifieds thread where readers can advertise various things in the comments. Scott provides guidelines for organizing responses into categories like Employment, Dating, Read My Blog, Consume My Product/Service, Meetup, or Other. He emphasizes being respectful, especially regarding dating ads, and provides links to related resources such as job boards and dating directories. Shorter summary
Sep 21, 2023
2 min 145 words 424 comments 56 likes podcast
Scott announces a classifieds thread on his blog, explaining posting rules and providing related resources. Longer summary
This is an announcement for a trimonthly classifieds thread on Astral Codex Ten. Scott explains the rules for posting ads in different categories like employment, dating, blogs, products/services, meetups, and others. He provides links to related resources and reminds users to be respectful, especially regarding dating ads. The post also includes a cancellation notice for a San Jose / South Bay meetup. Shorter summary
Sep 13, 2017
2 min 247 words 164 comments podcast
Scott Alexander shares community classifieds, including a math tutoring offer, a request for financial help, and a now-fulfilled request for AI professionals in North Carolina. Longer summary
This post is a classified thread for the Slate Star Codex community. It includes three main announcements: 1) Iacta_Procul, who previously shared her life and mental health struggles, is starting a math tutoring company and offering her services. 2) Isak, a member of the Rationalist Tumblr Discord, is seeking financial help due to homelessness and disability check issues. 3) Scott was looking for AI/data science professionals in North Carolina to connect with a friend, but has since received enough responses. Shorter summary