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3 posts found
Aug 25, 2022
46 min 5,916 words 394 comments 55 likes podcast
Scott Alexander summarizes and responds to comments on his review of 'What We Owe The Future', addressing debates around population ethics, longtermism, and moral philosophy. Longer summary
This post highlights key comments on Scott Alexander's review of William MacAskill's book 'What We Owe The Future'. It covers various reactions and debates around topics like the repugnant conclusion in population ethics, longtermism, moral philosophy, AI risk, and the nature of happiness and suffering. Scott responds to several comments, clarifying his views on philosophy, moral reasoning, and the challenges of population ethics. Shorter summary
Aug 24, 2022
10 min 1,255 words 904 comments 264 likes podcast
Scott Alexander defends Effective Altruism by presenting it as a 'tower of assumptions,' arguing that critics often miss its core principles of systematic giving and maximizing impact. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses criticisms of Effective Altruism (EA), arguing that many critiques miss the core principles of the movement. He presents EA as a 'tower of assumptions,' where even if higher-level ideas are disputed, the fundamental concepts remain valid. The post starts with hypothetical responses to common EA criticisms, then explains the core of EA using the Drowning Child scenario. Scott emphasizes that even if specific EA ideas or institutions are criticized, the basic tenets of systematic giving and maximizing impact remain important. He concludes by asserting that personal moral obligation is the most crucial aspect of EA, beyond debates about the movement's status or specific strategies. Shorter summary
Aug 23, 2022
59 min 7,637 words 636 comments 184 likes podcast
Scott Alexander reviews Will MacAskill's 'What We Owe The Future', a book arguing for longtermism and considering our moral obligations to future generations. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews Will MacAskill's book 'What We Owe The Future', which argues for longtermism - the idea that we should prioritize helping future generations. The review covers the book's key arguments about moral obligations to future people, ways to affect the long-term future, and population ethics dilemmas. Scott expresses some skepticism about aspects of longtermism and population ethics, but acknowledges the book's thought-provoking ideas and practical suggestions for having positive long-term impact. Shorter summary