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May 24, 2022
87 min 11,236 words 316 comments 198 likes podcast
Scott Alexander humorously reviews the 26 candidates for California governor in 2022, highlighting their diverse backgrounds and unconventional policy ideas. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews the 26 candidates for California governor in 2022, providing humorous and insightful commentary on each candidate's background, policies, and campaign style. He covers a wide range of candidates, from established politicians to small business owners, immigrants, and even a former poet laureate. The post highlights the diversity of candidates and their often unconventional approaches to addressing California's issues, particularly homelessness. Scott concludes by expressing admiration for the candidates' spirit of optimism and civic engagement, seeing them as a positive sign for American democracy despite their slim chances of winning. Shorter summary
Jan 31, 2019
46 min 5,908 words 341 comments podcast
Scott Alexander reviews 'Zero To One' by Peter Thiel, discussing its advice on creating monopolies, believing in secrets, and embracing definite optimism for successful startups. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews Peter Thiel's book 'Zero To One', which offers advice for entrepreneurs aiming to create revolutionary startups. The book emphasizes the importance of creating monopolies, believing in secrets, and embracing definite optimism. Thiel argues that successful startups should aim to escape competition by achieving monopoly-like status through proprietary technology, network effects, economies of scale, or branding. He also stresses the value of believing in undiscovered secrets and making long-term plans, contrasting this with the modern skepticism about individual reasoning and planning. The review explores Thiel's concept of definite vs indefinite optimism and the implications for society and progress. Scott reflects on the book's contrarian stance and its emphasis on the importance of being genuinely weird in a world where everyone is trying to be unconventional. Shorter summary