How to avoid getting lost reading Scott Alexander and his 1500+ blog posts? This unaffiliated fan website lets you sort and search through the whole codex. Enjoy!

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4 posts found
Feb 14, 2018
10 min 1,190 words 133 comments podcast
Scott Alexander humorously presents and comments on bizarre search terms that led people to his blog, Slate Star Codex. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews unusual search terms that led people to his blog, Slate Star Codex. The post is a humorous collection of bizarre, sometimes disturbing, and often nonsensical search queries. Scott groups similar queries together and adds witty commentary, creating a comedic effect through the juxtaposition of unrelated or absurd concepts. The post highlights the strange and varied interests of internet users, as well as common misspellings of terms like 'Glasgow Coma Scale' and 'Slate Star Codex'. Shorter summary
Feb 03, 2014
20 min 2,577 words 79 comments podcast
Scott Alexander analyzes bizarre and amusing search terms that led people to his blog, revealing unexpected insights into internet users' interests and concerns. Longer summary
Scott Alexander humorously examines the search terms that have led people to his blog, Slate Star Codex. He categorizes these terms into various amusing groups, including people searching for information about incest, polyamory critics, time travelers, political manifestos, students trying to cheat on homework, and people interested in albino black people. The post highlights the often bizarre, sometimes concerning, and frequently hilarious nature of internet searches, providing insight into the diverse and unexpected interests of online users. Scott uses this data to reflect on how these searches can provide a window into people's real thoughts and concerns, often differing greatly from what we might expect. Shorter summary
Apr 21, 2013
6 min 755 words 12 comments podcast
Scott Alexander humorously responds to bizarre search terms that have led people to his blog, covering a wide range of topics with wit and sarcasm. Longer summary
This blog post is a humorous compilation of unusual and often absurd search terms that have led people to Scott Alexander's blog. Scott provides witty responses to many of these search queries, showcasing his characteristic blend of humor, skepticism, and intellectual curiosity. The post touches on various topics including misspellings of the blog's name, peculiar questions about aliens and ethics, recurring themes of incest-related searches, and random philosophical or scientific inquiries. Scott's responses range from puns and pop culture references to sarcastic remarks and occasional genuine concern. Shorter summary
Mar 21, 2013
9 min 1,127 words 37 comments podcast
Scott explores the conflicting evidence on whether humans are attracted to genetically similar or dissimilar partners, concluding with a paradoxical observation that both seem true in different contexts. Longer summary
This post discusses the conflicting evidence on whether humans are attracted to genetically similar or dissimilar partners. It starts with the argument for genetic dissimilarity, citing examples from nature and studies on MHC complexes. Then, it presents evidence for genetic similarity, including genetic sexual attraction and studies showing people tend to marry those similar to them. The post concludes that current evidence suggests people are attracted to genetic similarity except for MHC complexes, where they prefer difference. The author expresses confusion about this seemingly contradictory conclusion. Shorter summary