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7 posts found
Mar 07, 2024
16 min 1,970 words 30 comments 30 likes podcast
Scott Alexander introduces an impact market for unfunded ACX Grants proposals, allowing investors to crowdfund projects with potential returns in Manifund dollars. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses the implementation of an impact market for ACX Grants proposals that were not initially funded. This market allows investors to crowdfund projects, with the potential to profit if the projects succeed. The post outlines the current state of the market, including challenges faced, and provides examples of available projects. It also explains the technical details of how the impact market works, potential risks and benefits for investors, and provides links for participation. Shorter summary
Jan 11, 2024
44 min 5,647 words 432 comments 100 likes podcast
Scott Alexander responds to comments on his capitalism vs charity post, clarifying his argument and addressing various counterpoints and suggested capitalist charities. Longer summary
Scott Alexander responds to comments on his previous post about capitalism and charity. He clarifies that he's discussing a specific near-mode situation of how to best use a limited amount of money for improving human welfare, not running a 'Moral Worth Tournament' between capitalism and charity. He addresses arguments for investing in capitalism over charity, discussing issues like compounding returns, marginal utility, and the eventual need for consumption. Scott also explores specific capitalist charities suggested by commenters, including charter cities and microfinance, noting the lack of strong empirical evidence for many of these interventions. He concludes by stating what kind of evidence would change his mind on this topic. Shorter summary
Jan 04, 2024
19 min 2,405 words 668 comments 187 likes podcast
Scott Alexander compares the marginal impact of capitalism vs. charity, finding that traditional charity often seems more effective despite capitalism's historical success. Longer summary
Scott Alexander explores the question of whether capitalism is more effective than charity in helping others. He compares the impact of investing in a successful company like Instacart to donating to a highly effective charity like Dispensers For Safe Water. While acknowledging capitalism's overall historical success, Scott argues that at the margin, traditional charity often seems to have a greater direct impact. He examines potential second-order effects of capitalism but finds them insufficient to clearly outweigh charity's benefits. The post concludes by considering alternative capitalist-oriented charitable approaches, such as development aid or charter cities, but notes the lack of rigorous evaluation for these options. Shorter summary
Sep 04, 2023
29 min 3,678 words 330 comments 120 likes podcast
The post examines recent developments in model city projects, including California Forever's plan in Solano County, updates on Praxis and Prospera, and brief mentions of other global initiatives. Longer summary
This post discusses several model city projects, focusing on California Forever's plan to build a new city in Solano County, California. It details the project's ambitious goals, potential challenges, and the mixed reactions it has received. The post also covers updates on Praxis, a highly visionary city-building project, and Prospera, a special economic zone in Honduras facing legal battles. Finally, it briefly mentions other model city developments worldwide. Shorter summary
Mar 03, 2023
5 min 574 words 18 comments 47 likes podcast
Scott updates readers on the Impact Market Mini-Grants project, detailing recent developments and the project timeline. Longer summary
Scott Alexander provides an update on the Impact Market Mini-Grants project, which tests a new model of charitable funding. The post outlines recent developments, including an increase in the potential funding pot, the submission of 16 projects, and the start of the investment phase for accredited investors. It also details the current schedule for the project, from the deadline for submissions to the final funding decisions in September. Shorter summary
Feb 24, 2023
15 min 1,931 words 98 comments 63 likes podcast
Scott Alexander announces a $20,000 grants round for forecasting projects using impact certificates, explaining the process for creators and investors. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the Forecasting Impact Mini-Grants, a $20,000 grants round for forecasting projects using impact certificates. The post explains how creators can propose projects on Manifund, how accredited investors can participate, and how the funding will work. It also covers the role of Manifold Markets, the legal and financial aspects, and addresses various questions about eligibility, funding sources, and potential risks. The initiative aims to test impact markets as a charitable funding mechanism while supporting forecasting-related projects. Shorter summary
Apr 05, 2013
16 min 2,063 words 113 comments podcast
Scott Alexander discusses Robin Hanson's idea of investing charitable donations for later use, exploring psychological resistance and attempting to debunk it with various arguments. Longer summary
Scott Alexander attends a talk on efficient charity and discusses Robin Hanson's controversial ideas about investing charitable donations instead of giving immediately. He explores the psychological resistance to this idea and attempts to debunk it with various arguments, including the declining efficacy of charity over time and the possibility of a technological singularity. Despite initially expecting to conclude that investing donations is a bad idea, his rough calculations suggest it might be beneficial unless there's a high chance of catastrophic events preventing future donation. Shorter summary