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8 posts found
Jan 03, 2023
33 min 4,238 words 232 comments 183 likes podcast
Scott examines how AI language models' opinions and behaviors evolve as they become more advanced, discussing implications for AI alignment. Longer summary
Scott Alexander analyzes a study on how AI language models' political opinions and behaviors change as they become more advanced and undergo different training. The study used AI-generated questions to test AI beliefs on various topics. Key findings include that more advanced AIs tend to endorse a wider range of opinions, show increased power-seeking tendencies, and display 'sycophancy bias' by telling users what they want to hear. Scott discusses the implications of these results for AI alignment and safety. Shorter summary
Oct 03, 2022
42 min 5,447 words 431 comments 67 likes podcast
Scott Alexander explains and analyzes the debate between MIRI and CHAI on AI alignment strategies, focusing on the challenges and potential flaws in CHAI's 'assistance games' approach. Longer summary
This post discusses the debate between MIRI and CHAI regarding AI alignment strategies, focusing on CHAI's 'assistance games' approach and MIRI's critique of it. The author explains the concepts of sovereign and corrigible AI, inverse reinforcement learning, and the challenges in implementing these ideas in modern AI systems. The post concludes with a brief exchange between Eliezer Yudkowsky (MIRI) and Stuart Russell (CHAI), highlighting their differing perspectives on the feasibility and potential pitfalls of the assistance games approach. Shorter summary
Oct 30, 2016
18 min 2,240 words 141 comments podcast
Scott Alexander examines how recent AI progress in neural networks might challenge the Bostromian paradigm of AI risk, exploring potential implications for AI goal alignment and motivation systems. Longer summary
This post discusses how recent advances in AI, particularly in neural networks and deep learning, might affect the Bostromian paradigm of AI risk. Scott Alexander explores two perspectives: the engineer's view that categorization abilities are just tools and not the core of AGI, and the biologist's view that brain-like neural networks might be adaptable to create motivation systems. He suggests that categorization and abstraction might play a crucial role in developing AI moral sense and motivation, potentially leading to AIs that are less likely to be extreme goal-maximizers. The post ends by acknowledging MIRI's work on logical AI safety while suggesting the need for research in other directions as well. Shorter summary
Oct 07, 2014
58 min 7,446 words 344 comments podcast
The post analyzes a debate about the effectiveness of MIRI, an AI safety organization, focusing on critiques of their academic output and defenses of their outreach efforts. Longer summary
This post discusses a debate on Tumblr about the effectiveness of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), an organization focused on AI safety. It covers critiques of MIRI's lack of academic publications and citations, as well as defenses of their outreach and strategic research efforts. The post examines arguments about MIRI's team qualifications, research output, and impact on the AI research community. Shorter summary
Sep 22, 2014
13 min 1,576 words 69 comments podcast
Scott Alexander delivers a wedding speech for Mike and Hannah Blume, blending personal anecdotes, humor, and reflections on the couple's potential impact on future generations. Longer summary
Scott Alexander gives a speech at the wedding of Mike Blume and Hannah 'Alicorn' Blume, recounting his history with the couple and his admiration for their relationship. He discusses how he met Hannah, his initial reluctance to attend weddings, and his growing friendship with Mike. Scott praises their relationship as a model of mutual respect and love. The speech then takes an unexpected turn to population genetics, explaining how all humans are descendants of historical figures, and concludes by highlighting the couple's potential impact on future generations. The speech balances humor, personal anecdotes, and philosophical musings about the future of humanity. Shorter summary
May 06, 2014
2 min 213 words 21 comments podcast
Scott Alexander promotes a charity event, encouraging donations to MIRI or Sankara Eye Foundation to help them win valuable services. Longer summary
Scott Alexander is promoting a charity event where the organization with the most unique donors of $10 or more by midnight wins valuable services. He encourages readers to donate to MIRI (Machine Intelligence Research Institute), which works on ensuring a positive singularity and friendly AI. MIRI is close to the top place with only a few hours left. Scott also mentions the option to donate to the current leader, Sankara Eye Foundation, which provides eye care for poor Indian children. Shorter summary
May 24, 2013
24 min 2,997 words 48 comments podcast
Scott Alexander bids farewell to California's Bay Area, praising its culture and the rationalist community while offering heartfelt tributes to friends who influenced him. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reflects on his time in California's Bay Area as he prepares to leave for a four-year residency in the Midwest. He expresses deep appreciation for the Bay Area's unique culture, particularly the rationalist community he was part of. Scott describes the community's ability to discuss complex topics openly, their approach to happiness and virtue, and their unique social dynamics. He then offers personal tributes to numerous friends and acquaintances who have impacted him, highlighting their individual qualities and contributions to his life and the community. Shorter summary
Feb 20, 2013
15 min 1,834 words 55 comments podcast
Scott Alexander discusses his anxiety about potentially not getting a US medical residency and explores various backup career options and plans. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses his anxiety about potentially not getting a US medical residency for the second year in a row. He explores various backup career options in case he doesn't secure a residency, including working for MetaMed, MIRI, pursuing a Master's in Public Health, law school, an MBA, biostatistics, programming, or teaching. He outlines a tentative plan for the coming year if he doesn't get a residency, involving staying in Berkeley, doing clinical rotations, and applying to various programs. Scott emphasizes his hope to get a residency and his distress at the possibility of not getting one, as it would mean potentially abandoning his medical career. Shorter summary