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9 posts found
Jan 25, 2024
48 min 6,161 words 574 comments 501 likes podcast
Scott Alexander proposes that political hyperpartisanship might be a form of trauma, comparing PTSD symptoms to behaviors observed in political extremists. Longer summary
Scott Alexander explores the idea that political extremism might be a form of trauma. He compares symptoms of PTSD to behaviors observed in politically hyperpartisan individuals, such as triggers, distorted cognitions, and hypervigilance. The post discusses how trapped priors in the brain might explain both cognitive and emotional aspects of political extremism. Scott also considers the implications of framing political partisanship as trauma, including potential risks of expanding the concept of trauma. Shorter summary
Feb 27, 2023
26 min 3,373 words 296 comments 101 likes podcast
Scott Alexander discusses reader comments on his 'Geography of Madness' review, revising views on culture-bound syndromes and exploring various mental health topics. Longer summary
This post discusses various comments on Scott Alexander's review of 'The Geography of Madness'. It covers topics like culture-bound syndromes, the prevalence of brief psychotic disorder, the history of school shootings, the universality of PTSD, the rise of transgender identities, and the correlation between believing in ghosts and experiencing PMS. Scott revises some of his previous views, becoming more skeptical about many traditional culture-bound syndromes and acknowledging the complexity of cultural influences on mental health conditions. Shorter summary
Feb 22, 2023
68 min 8,711 words 833 comments 367 likes podcast
Scott reviews a book on culture-bound syndromes, expanding the discussion to how all mental illnesses are influenced by culture to varying degrees. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews 'The Geography of Madness' by Frank Bures, which explores culture-bound syndromes like koro (belief in penis theft by witches). The book traces the history and spread of these syndromes across cultures. Scott expands on the idea, discussing how all mental illnesses exist on a spectrum of biological vs. cultural influence. He argues that even conditions considered 'real' in Western psychiatry, like anorexia or PTSD, have significant cultural components. The review touches on complex issues around gender dysphoria and cultural beliefs, concluding that there is no truly 'neutral' culture free from influence on mental health presentations. Shorter summary
Jul 21, 2021
40 min 5,184 words 191 comments 45 likes podcast
Scott discusses reader comments on his 'Crazy Like Us' book review, covering topics like PTSD, cultural influences on mental illness, and cross-cultural prevalence of schizophrenia. Longer summary
This post discusses several comments on Scott's review of 'Crazy Like Us', touching on topics like PTSD in ancient vs modern soldiers, cultural influences on mental illness, childhood sexual abuse, and cross-cultural prevalence of schizophrenia. Scott reflects on these comments, providing additional context and sometimes revising his views based on new information presented. Shorter summary
Jul 15, 2021
51 min 6,559 words 712 comments 145 likes podcast
Scott Alexander reviews 'Crazy Like Us', exploring how Western mental health concepts spread globally and whether raising awareness of mental health problems might make them worse. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews 'Crazy Like Us' by Ethan Watters, which explores how Western mental health concepts are spreading globally. The book presents case studies on anorexia in Hong Kong, depression in Japan, PTSD in Sri Lanka, and schizophrenia in Zanzibar. While Scott finds the book's main thesis only moderately interesting, he's intrigued by a recurring sub-theme: whether raising awareness of mental health problems might actually make them worse. He discusses each case study, offering his own insights and critiques, and concludes by imagining a culture that runs 'Mental Health Unawareness Campaigns'. Shorter summary
Nov 12, 2019
29 min 3,754 words 221 comments podcast
Scott Alexander reviews 'The Body Keeps The Score', a book on PTSD, praising its historical context but criticizing its outdated science and uncritical embrace of alternative therapies. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews 'The Body Keeps The Score', a book about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by Bessel van der Kolk. The review covers the book's historical context, its insights into PTSD symptoms and neurobiology, and its treatment recommendations. Scott praises the historical accounts of PTSD recognition but criticizes the book's outdated scientific claims, lack of consideration for genetic factors, and uncritical enthusiasm for alternative therapies. He notes the book's emphasis on bodily disconnection in PTSD patients and the importance of reconnecting with the body in treatment. Overall, Scott finds the book less helpful than expected for guiding clinical practice, but acknowledges its potential value in highlighting the importance of trauma screening and specialized trauma clinics. Shorter summary
Jun 05, 2017
12 min 1,551 words 169 comments podcast
Scott Alexander explores why recreational drugs like ketamine and MDMA have shown more promise in treating mental health conditions than intentionally developed pharmaceuticals, suggesting a new direction for drug research. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses the surprising effectiveness of ketamine and MDMA in treating depression and PTSD respectively, noting that these recreational drugs have shown more promise than intentionally developed pharmaceuticals. He speculates on why this might be, suggesting that drugs with strong effects on the brain, even if originally used recreationally, might be more likely to have significant therapeutic benefits. Scott proposes that pharmaceutical research might be more productive if it focused on chemicals with powerful psychoactive effects, rather than prioritizing minimal side effects. He acknowledges potential counterarguments, including the possibility that ketamine's antidepressant effects may come from a non-psychoactive metabolite. Shorter summary
Apr 21, 2017
10 min 1,254 words 150 comments podcast
Scott Alexander discusses a study challenging the idea that childhood abuse lowers IQ, and explores its implications for understanding the effects of child abuse on various outcomes. Longer summary
This post discusses a study by Danese et al. challenging the assumption that childhood abuse lowers IQ. The study found that after adjusting for pre-existing factors, there was no significant difference in IQ between abused and non-abused children. Scott Alexander explores the implications of this study in the context of shared-environment-skeptical psychiatry and discusses other studies showing limited effects of child abuse on various outcomes. He notes that while these findings are interesting, they may understate the dangers of severe abuse due to sample size limitations. The post concludes by suggesting that child abuse likely causes PTSD-like symptoms but may not have effects drastically different from normal PTSD. Shorter summary
May 30, 2014
18 min 2,216 words 151 comments podcast
Scott Alexander defends trigger warnings as tools for informed choice, not censorship, and criticizes arguments against them, especially those based on non-consensual exposure therapy. Longer summary
Scott Alexander argues in favor of trigger warnings, stating they are not censorship but rather provide information for informed choices. He suggests a compromise for implementing warnings unobtrusively, and criticizes arguments against trigger warnings based on exposure therapy, emphasizing that therapy should not be forced on people without consent. The post has an ironic tone when discussing social justice and media criticism, but becomes more serious when addressing mental health considerations. Shorter summary