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2 posts found
Dec 22, 2023
31 min 3,981 words 461 comments 1,059 likes podcast
Scott Alexander recounts his journey to fatherhood, blending personal experiences with broader reflections on progress, rationality, and the future his newborn twins will face. Longer summary
Scott Alexander shares his experience becoming a father to twins, intertwining personal anecdotes with philosophical reflections on parenthood, human progress, and the future. He starts with a humorous account of his fertility clinic visit, then describes the challenges of pregnancy and choosing names. The post explores the concept of children as 'surprisal-minimization engines' adapting to the world, and reflects on the advancements in child mortality and healthcare. Scott concludes by expressing both concern and hope for his children's future in a rapidly changing world, viewing them as 'ambassadors to the singularity'. Shorter summary
Feb 17, 2023
37 min 4,719 words 262 comments 149 likes podcast
Scott Alexander reviews the evidence for declining sperm counts, discussing major studies, criticisms, and potential causes, while remaining uncertain about the true extent and reasons for any decline. Longer summary
Scott Alexander examines the evidence for declining sperm counts worldwide, discussing the major studies, potential causes, and criticisms of the hypothesis. He explores the methodology of sperm count studies, regional variations, possible explanations like plastics and pesticides, and animal data. While acknowledging the noisy data and potential confounders, he concludes that there's suggestive evidence for a decline but remains uncertain about its magnitude and causes. Shorter summary