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9 posts found
May 17, 2024
7 min 889 words 210 comments 48 likes podcast
Scott Alexander seeks help in selecting finalists for the 2024 Book Review Contest by asking readers to rate entries from a pool of 150 reviews. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the start of the process to narrow down 150 book review entries to about a dozen finalists for the Book Review Contest 2024. He provides links to six Google Docs containing the entries, organized alphabetically, and asks readers to help by reading and rating reviews using a provided form. Scott emphasizes the importance of not reading reviews in order to ensure a more even distribution of votes. He mentions a random review chooser script and provides a deadline of June 1 for voting. The post also includes instructions for authors to check if their reviews are included and how to address any missing entries. Shorter summary
Sep 08, 2023
3 min 338 words 81 comments 59 likes podcast
Scott Alexander opens voting for the 2023 Book Review Contest, detailing the ranked choice voting process and listing the finalists. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the voting process for the 2023 Book Review Contest, explaining that it will use ranked choice voting where voters select their top three favorites. He provides a link to the voting form, lists the 16 finalists, and mentions a prediction market for the contest outcome. Shorter summary
Nov 05, 2022
24 min 3,103 words 128 comments 57 likes podcast
Scott Alexander shares reader comments on his California ballot recommendations, updating some of his views and providing additional context on various races and propositions. Longer summary
This post highlights comments on Scott Alexander's California ballot recommendations. It covers various topics including Prop 31's impact on vaping, the Service Employees International Union's tactics regarding dialysis regulations, Newsom's campaign spending, Oakland mayoral race, and other ballot measures. Scott also updates some of his recommendations based on reader input, particularly for the Attorney General race. Shorter summary
Nov 04, 2022
35 min 4,498 words 574 comments 122 likes podcast
Scott Alexander reviews and explains his votes on California's 2022 ballot propositions and candidates, providing analysis and commentary on each item. Longer summary
Scott Alexander reviews his California ballot for 2022, discussing state propositions and candidates for various offices. He explains his voting philosophy, analyzes each proposition and candidate, and provides his reasoning for his votes. The post covers topics like abortion rights, gambling legalization, school funding, tobacco regulation, and various political races, offering a mix of analysis, humor, and personal opinions on California politics and governance. Shorter summary
Jun 18, 2021
2 min 259 words 123 comments 33 likes podcast
Scott Alexander opens voting for the book review contest, listing 17 finalists and providing a voting link. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces the voting process for the book review contest. Readers are invited to vote for their favorite entries using approval voting, with voting open until the end of June. The post includes a list of the 17 finalist book reviews, each with a link to the full review. Shorter summary
Apr 10, 2020
30 min 3,781 words 829 comments podcast
Scott Alexander provides updates on coronavirus trends, discusses various pandemic-related topics, and analyzes different countries' responses and policy proposals. Longer summary
This blog post provides updates on various aspects of the coronavirus pandemic. It discusses the slowing growth rate of cases in many countries, the challenges of mail-in voting in the US, charity efforts, how different countries are responding to the crisis, economic analyses of lockdowns, some positive developments in the US response, and various other coronavirus-related topics. The post maintains a speculative and analytical tone, examining different perspectives on issues like immunity certificates, expert predictions, and controversies around ventilator donations. Shorter summary
Dec 26, 2019
1 min 107 words 54 comments podcast
Scott Alexander asks readers to vote for their favorite among eight posted adversarial collaborations, with prizes for the top two. Longer summary
Scott Alexander announces that all eight adversarial collaborations have been posted and provides a link to the full list. He invites readers who have read all the collaborations to vote for their favorite using a provided link. Scott explains that this year, the winner will be decided by popular vote, with $2000 going to first place and $500 to second place. He concludes by thanking all participants, readers, and voters. Shorter summary
Nov 04, 2018
29 min 3,719 words 405 comments podcast
Scott Alexander shares his voting choices for California elections and ballot measures, offering brief explanations and occasional humor for each decision. Longer summary
Scott Alexander discusses his preliminary choices for California elected positions and ballot initiatives. He provides brief justifications for his votes on various positions including Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Controller, and others. He also analyzes several propositions on the ballot, explaining the issues and his reasoning for each vote. The post is a mix of serious policy analysis and humorous commentary on California politics. Shorter summary
Sep 28, 2016
40 min 5,167 words 317 comments podcast
Scott Alexander endorses Clinton (or Johnson/Stein in safe states) over Trump, citing concerns about Trump's unpredictability and potential negative impacts on conservatism and social dynamics. Longer summary
Scott Alexander endorses voting for Hillary Clinton in swing states, and Clinton, Johnson, or Stein in safe states. He argues against Donald Trump, not primarily on policy grounds, but because of Trump's unpredictability, potential for high-variance outcomes, and the damage he could do to conservatism and the fight against social justice extremism. Alexander expresses concerns about Trump's lack of concrete plans, his potential to radicalize the next generation towards the far left, and his movement's epistemic vices. He also touches on issues like global warming and immigration, urging readers to consider the long-term consequences of their vote. Shorter summary